Recap Of Candice Michelle On The Tonight Show With Jay Leno

Credit: reader CJ Beckmann

In Candice Michelle's appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno she was referred to primarily as "The Go Daddy Girl" A brief discussion was held about her first impressions of Los Angeles after moving there from Wisconsin when she was 19. They then showed the full Go Daddy commercial as it aired on Monday Night Raw.

Jay commented to the effect that he had heard, as if it were a rumor, that she was a wrestler. Candice then mentioned that she worked with WWE which garnered absolutely no reaction from the live crowd. They mentioned WWE's tour overseas, still no reaction.

Afterwards Candice stated that she would be going for the Women's championship at Wrestlemania 22. The date was plugged and got no reaction from the crowd. Not a good sign. The whole subject of wrestling seemed almost avoided, and when addressed was addressed in a "Oh, that's just a little thing I do, somewhat, kinda" sort of way.

If you didn't get a chance to watch the event, photos of the show are now online. Click here to access these photos.

