Big RVD WM22 Spoiler, Candice Michelle, Kanyon, WWE Vs. TNA, & More
John Woodworth sent word that Candice Michelle appeared recently on Fox News regarding her in Playboy and her involvement with WWE. The video is available for viewing in the "FOX NEWS 24/7" area on the main page.
Antoine Hoffman sent word that Chris Kanyon will be interviewed in the March 9th edition of USA Today. The article is expected to cover Kanyon recently revealing that he is indeed homosexual.
ClaytonW sent this in: Brian Knobbs was on Jay Leno pitching an idea for a TV show about him being a judge and drinking on the job and decides the decisions of the court.
WWE and TNA will go head to head on 4/1 with Impact on Spike TV, and the Hall of Fame ceremony on USA @ 11PM ET.
There is talk of putting Rob Van Dam over in the Wrestlemania money in the bank match, and then having RVD cash in on his title shot at the 6/11 One Night Stand PPV.