Details On New Japan Talent To WWE, Flair's Road Rage, More posted the following: Naigai Times has more on the Nakamura/WWE story, with further comments from Simon Inoki. Simon said Nakamura looks very big now, and that he has grown up mentally too. He was surprised as how much Nakamura has grown in all fields, and isn't surprised that WWE officials Ace and Malenko were so interested in him. Simon has attended recent RAW and Smackdown! tapings, and Ace spoke to him about using Nakamura. Simon thought he was joking, but Ace was serious, and this has lead to the possibility of "renting" Shinsuke to WWE. Although probably the usual exaggeration, Simon said he has already drawn up a blueprint of bringing Batista to New Japan, and possibly running a Lesnar vs. Batista match. However, there is a possibility that WWE could send someone in return to work tours. Perhaps their own problem child, Randy Orton?
Ric Flair was talked about his road rage incident with Mike Mooneyham and noted "I wouldn't in Charlotte, North Carolina – or anywhere else – grab anybody because I'm me. What am I going to gain by grabbing somebody?" he said after the incident. "It just tells me how big a star I am in Charlotte and how starved they are for excitement."