DSW Closing Update, Great Khali Not Impressing, Palmer Canon Update

Deep South Wrestling, WWE's developmental territory in Georgia, is in danger of being shutdown, perhaps as early as July. It's been labeled as a "disaster" by almost everyone involved since day one. No decision has been officially made in regards to DSW's future, although, there has a been a lot of talk in regards to shutting down the promotion once and for all. On the plus side, they recently got a TV deal on Comcast Sports South for a Sunday night slot at 11 p.m. The show started in that slot on April 30th. Nigel Sherrod and Michelle McCool host the television show. Wrestlers in DSW include Eric Alexander, Tommy Suade, Oleg Prudius, Ray Gordy, Sonny Siaki, Onyx, The Gymini, Frankie Capone, Freakin' Deacon, Mike Knox, Derrick Neikirk, Roughhouse O'Reilly, Mike Taylor, Tony Santarelli, Michelle McCool, Krissy Vaine, Tracy Taylor and Mark Jindrak. Mark Jindrak is not under contract, however, he may get one soon.

The Great Khali was pulled from matches on last month's European tour after management saw his lone match on the tour with Matt Hardy. For the rest of the tour, he did run-ins where he'd beat up on the cruiserweight wrestlers. He went on the tour because he was supposed to get some ring experience which he desperately needs. Considering that management was afraid to put him out in the ring for matches in front of "easy crowds", that probably doesn't bode too well for his future. Nathan Jones is said to be better than him from an in-ring standpoint.

The storyline excuse for Palmer Canon being gone from Deep South Wrestling was Theodore Long coming out in front of the crowd at the 4/27 tapings to say that he had banned him from the promotion. There were mostly cheers for the announcement, although, there were some boos as well. Canon was a top heel in DSW.

