Official WWE RAW Preview For Next Week
From Retaliation coming?
By Louie Dee
May 29, 2006
RAW will be live from the Pacific Northwest on Memorial Day, and it may end up being a memorial for the sanity of Triple H.
Last week, Mr. McMahon promised swift and vengeful retribution on Triple H if he didn t apologize for nailing Shane McMahon with a sledgehammer. The Game said he was sorry, and the Chairman said he d accept the apology if The Game came out later and nailed Shawn Michaels with a sledgehammer.
But instead of attacking Michaels as the Chairman later demanded, The Game laid out Kenny of the Spirit Squad with a Pedigree. Since Triple H technically never held up his end of the bargain, will the WWE Chairman be enacting the promised retribution?
During the match that led to Triple H s actions, the Spirit Squad looked to severely injure HBK s knee with a chair. Will there be any update on the condition of the Showstopper?
Also last week, there was a very hardcore presence. Rob Van Dam told John Cena that he would be cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase at One Night Stand, and Paul Heyman goaded Edge & Mick Foley into a match against Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer on June 11 as well. Will Heyman and his extreme followers be causing more trouble on Memorial Day in Tacoma, Washington?
Find out next Monday night at 9/8 CT on the USA network.