WWE Notes: Mysterio, Miz, Jericho, Bret Hart, Juvi, More
World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio slipped a spot on the latest edition of the POWER 25 after being manhandled by The Great Khali on Smackdown. He currently ranks at number four overall.
Juvetund Guerrera missed the last AAA TV taping as a show he worked earlier ran long. Juvi has no heat for missing the show.
The Calgary Sun posted an article about Bret Hart's brother Ross getting into acting.
The Miz is pictured with a pair of Playboy Playmates on WWE's web site.
Even though WWE had 14,000 in Lexington, KY for the Backlash PPV, the actual paid attendace was actually 8,400.
Chris Jericho's sci-fi movie "Android Apocalypse" debuts on the Sci-Fi channel on 6/24 at 9PM.