WWE RAW Results (5/29): Angle To ECW, Melina/Nitro, More!

WWE RAW Results (5/29): Angle To ECW, Melina/Nitro, More!

Event: WWE Monday Night RAW Results
Airdate: Monday, May 29th, 2006
Location: The Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, WA
Results by PowerWrestling.com

WWE RAW Opener:


RAW opened up saying tonight s episode of RAW is dedicated to the troops who defend the United States of America, as it is Memorial Day.

In the arena:

The music of Mr. McMahon hit in the arena to open up RAW as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcomed us to the show, and tonight Triple H is going to try and Kill Kenny, and Mick Foley and Paul Heyman will have a face off. McMahon took the mic and said he s happy to be here tonight, but that wasn t the case several weeks ago when he wasn t happy at all. He said nothing can be worse than a family witnessing one of their own suffer which happened to his son Shane. Footage was shown of Triple H bashing Shane with the sledgehammer two weeks ago. McMahon said Shane is doing much better now. McMahon said that Shawn Michaels is no more, he was taken out last week by the Spirit Squad, and we take a look at that. McMahon said Shawn Michaels will never be the same. McMahon said he d like to have a word with Michaels, and talks to the camera. The fans are chanting asshole at McMahon, and he says Michaels is hurt and upset, but nonetheless, there is a place here in the WWE for Michaels, he can do something like set the ring up or be a time keeper. McMahon said as good as he felt about that, there was an emptiness in his heart, and we take a look at Triple H taking out the Spirit Squad last week after Kenny grabbed his sledgehammer. McMahon asks who Triple H thinks he is, and tonight he will show his true colors as he goes one on one with Kenny of the Spirit Squad. McMahon then said he is supposed to announce a new General Manager tonight, but none of the candidates stand up to his expectations, but he has hired a new executive assistant and it s the Coach. Coach made his way down in a suit. Coach thanks McMahon and says per the order of the chairman of the board, the following matches will take place live tonight. First off, the WWE Champion John Cena will be in action here tonight and he will be facing a man he has never faced before, and leaves it to us to speculate. He said Cena is scheduled to defend the WWE Title against Rob Van Dam at ECW One Night Stand, but in four weeks time, RAW has a PPV event of it s own, Vengeance, and tonight there will be a contenders match between two former champions in Edge and the Big Show. Coach said there will be a title defended on RAW tonight as Shelton Benjamin defends against Kane, and on a personal note, he d like to thank McMahon for this opportunity. McMahon said he d like to see Triple H in his office right away, and Coach makes his way to the back as we get started with a bang as Kane makes his way to the ring.


Intercontinental Championship Match
Referee: Chad Patton
Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin (c)

Shelton Benjamin s music hit as he made his way down as the Intercontinental Champion, and we are set to go!

The start:

Kane nailed a big uppercut and then went for a suplex but Shelton blocked and then hit a right hand, but ran into a clothesline from Kane. Shelton hit a kick to the head but then Kane tossed him to the apron and knocked him to the outside with a big boot to the head as we go to commercial.

Mid-match notes:

Back on RAW and Shelton is in control with a chin lock on Kane. During the break, Shelton sent Kane head first into the ring post. Back to live and Kane fought out of the chin lock but then Shelton hit a side kick. Kane sat up and Shelton ran into a big boot and then an uppercut. Kane hit a running clothesline in the corner, and then nailed a side slam. Kane went up top and nailed the flying clothesline. Kane signaled for the chokeslam and grabbed Benjamin by the throat but Shelton countered into an arm drag into a rollup with his feet on the ropes for a near fall. Shelton went for a heel kick but Kane hoisted him on his shoulder, but Kane reversed into a tornado DDT. Kane hit a splash on Kane in the corner, and went for another one but Kane grabbed him by the throat and nailed the chokeslam. The arena then went dark and the Kane mask appeared on the Titantron, and Kane s old music played.


Winner – No Contest

The Aftermath:

Kane stared on as the stage erupted, and then&Kane made his way down towards the ring, old mask, old outfit. Kane looked confused as hell. The masked Kane got in the ring and then grabbed Kane by the throat and gave him the chokeslam. He then set off the pyro and made his way to the back.


Coach is in the back asking Carlito where Triple H is, and Carlito said he didn t know. Coach then asked Alejandro, but he hasn t seen Triple H. Alejandro said that his name is ARMANDO ALEJANDRO ESSSSTRADA, and if Mr. McMahon needs anything, he is the hombre who has it. Coach said if he doesn t mind, he has to find Triple H. Alejandro was then grabbed by Viscera and he said last week he had his boy, Umaga, get into his business. Viscera said tonight he seeks revenge!


McMahon is in the back and Triple H arrives in the office, and they shake hands. Triple H asked if they had a problem, since he made Edge and Big Show number one contenders for the WWE Title. Triple H said the thing with Shane was an accident, and last week he was doing as he said until Kenny got involved. McMahon said he has no problem with that, but instead of Triple H vs. Kenny it ll be Triple H vs. Kenny with the Squad at ringside, in a Spiritjack Match. Triple H acted all happy, and said that was fabulous. He said tonight he will destroy Kenny, and the rest of the Spiritjack&offs, decide they want to get involved, then maybe he will bring a friend with him. Triple H then pulled out his sledgehammer as we go to commercial.


Referee: Mickey Hensen
Viscera vs. Umaga

The music of Viscera hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring but Umaga came from behind and jumped him. Umaga hit an STO on the stage and Viscera looks to be out. Umaga picked up Viscera and gave him a throat thrust and then loaded him into the ring as Lilian looked on in concern.

The start:

Umaga went to the top rope and came off with a huge splash on Viscera. Umaga nailed the Samoan Spike and Viscera dropped to the canvas, and this one is over.

Winner – Umaga


Beth Phoenix and Torrie Wilson are shown talking in the back, and they are joined by Trish Stratus and they are making their way towards the arena as we go to commercial.

Referee: Jack Doan
Torrie Wilson and Beth Phoenix vs. Candice Michelle and Victoria

Torrie Wilson s music hit in the arena as she made her way to the ring with Beth Phoenix and Trish Stratus for this tag team match against Victoria and Candice Michelle, accompanied by Women s Champion Mickie James.

The start:

Beth and Victoria kicked things off with a tie up. Victoria hit a right hand and Beth came back with one of her own. Beth then nailed more right hands ad then hit a side slam for two. Torrie tagged in and they nailed a double team arm twist and chop on Victoria. Torrie nailed a clothesline in the corner and then pulled up her thong (hot) and hit the stinkface. Victoria got pissed and pulled Torrie down by the hair. Victoria followed up with a slam and then tagged in Candice.


The Finish:

Candice hit a vaderbomb from the middle rope and then hit an elbow drop for two. Victoria tagged in and went for the somersault leg drop but Torrie moved and both ladies made a tag. Beth hit a series of knockdowns and then nailed a gutwrench suplex on Candice. Beth then nailed a Michinoku Drive on Candice for the win.

Winners – Torrie Wilson and Beth Phoenix

The Aftermath:

Mickie was pissed as Trish congratulated Beth and Torrie on their win.

In the arena:

Lawler is mouthing off at ECW, and says Tazz used to be tough and they called him the Human Suplex Machine, but lately he s a joke cracking Lawler wannabe. He said ECW is a bunch of wannabes, and then Rob Van Dam s music hit as he made his way to the ring as Mr. Money in the Bank and he joined Lawler and Ross on commentary. RVD said Tazz had the common sense to hang up the boots for good and Lawler should learn from his example. Lawler said RVD is in the big time and ECW is a step back for him.

Non Title Match
Referee: Chad Patton
Johnny Nitro vs. John Cena (c)

The music of MNM hit in the arena and it s Johnny Nitro and Melina on RAW! John Cena s music then hit as he made his way to the ring as the WWE Champion and we are set to go.


The start:

Nitro taunted Cena and then Cena nailed a right hand to knock him down. Cena tossed him head first to the corner and then went for a charge, but Nitro moved. Nitro nailed a springboard dropkick and then his break dancing leg drop. Nitro nailed an uppercut and then some kicks to the gut. Nitro unloaded on Cena in the corner with stomps and then whipped Cena hard to the corner and hit a running elbow.

The Finish:

Nitro hit some forearms to the lower back but then Cena came back with a right hand. Cena unloaded on Nitro and then hit the flying shoulder. Cena hit a pair of clotheslines and then the spinning spinebuster followed by the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena went for the FU and nailed it before locking in the STFU for the win.

Winner, the WWE Champion, John Cena

The Aftermath:

Melina checked on Nitro as Cena celebrated his win. Cena turned his attention to RVD at the booth and they had a stare down of sorts. RVD got on the apron and held up his briefcase and then Nitro went to jump Cena but Cena threw him into RVD knocking him off the apron. Cena made his way to the back and these two men will face off at ECW One Night Stand with the WWE Title on the line.

In the arena:

Paul Heyman and Mick Foley are in the ring and it s carpeted and has two podiums. Foley said it was sure great to see Melina tonight. Foley said he wants to thank Heyman because last week he levied some charges at him. He called him a prostitute, and Foley pleads guilty. Foley said everyone does things in WWE they don t want to do to get to the top. Foley said the only difference between the ECW Mick Foley and the WWE Mick Foley is that he traded in a no good pimp like him for a million dollar pimp like Vince McMahon. Foley said he gets vexed when he hears of the ECW One Night Stand PPV where himself and Edge will take on Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk, and he doesn t see where he begins to get off claiming that they are what hardcore is all about, not after himself and Edge tore down the house at WrestleMania, but he wishes Paul luck with his pot smoking, porn addicted Foley ripoffs. Heyman said he misses that locker room, and his comments would mean more if they came from a guy who wasn t a Terry Funk rip off. Foley said he will admit that Terry Funk was the greatest wrestler he ever saw, he will admit that Tommy Dreamer had as much heart as anyone, but where they parted was the fact&Heyman said they didn t have the guts to pull out a sock and put it on their hand. Heyman asked Foley how many title shots he got before the sock? Foley said Funk and Dreamer had bingo hall balls and didn t have what it took to ply their craft on the main stage of WWE, and that was the gutsiest thing he did. Foley said Heyman doesn t hate him because he sold out, he hates him because you either left ECW as a drunk, a drug addict, a criminal or a corpse, but he left as a hardcore legend and one of the biggest stars this business has seen.


Heyman said it s not what he s accomplished, it s what he s become. Heyman called Foley an ass kissing whore. Heyman said at One Night Stand, Foley and Edge will experience that Dreamer and Funk are more than capable of standing up to the standards of Hardcore, but he wants him and Edge to pay attention to the new vision of ECW. ECW won t just be about hardcore, for example, ECW is coming back full time and anyone from RAW and Smackdown can jump to ECW and McMahon has given him two draft picks. Foley said he wants to guess the draft pick, and he guesses Rob Van Dam. Foley said he s a great choice, but the only reason RVD liked the old ECW is because he was a high flyer . Heyman said when RVD becomes WWE Champion at One Night Stand and rechristens it the ECW World Title, and was about to announce his Smackdown pick. Heyman said it s someone who embodies the new vision of ECW and he d like to introduce us to him. Kurt Angle s music hit! KURT ANGLE IS ECW! Angle made his way down to the ring to a huge pop and Angle tackled Foley and hammered away at him. Angle gave Foley the Angle Slam and Foley rolled to the outside. Rob Van Dam and Kurt Angle have been drafted to ECW!

This Week In Wrestling:


We take a look at Andre The Giant and he made his North American debut on June 1, 1971.

Number One Contender Match
Referee: Mickey Hensen
The Big Show vs. Edge

The music of the Big Show hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring for this number one contender match with Edge, and the winner will face the WWE Champion at Vengeance.

The start:

Edge nailed some right hands but Show came back with a knee to the gut and then a headbutt. Show silenced the chop and then nailed Edge with a huge chop. Show nailed another chop and then hit a big boot to the face. Lita grabbed Show s boot and he dragged her into the ring by his leg. Edge came back with right hands off the distraction and then went for a cross body but Show caught him and gave him snake eyes in the corner. Edge rolled to the outside and Show pulled him onto the apron by his hair but Edge hot shotted him. Edge went to the top and Show tossed him down into the ring.

The Finish:

Show went for a splash in the corner but Edge hit a dropkick to the knee. Edge nailed a tornado DDT and went for the Spear but Show grabbed him by the throat and went for the chokeslam but Edge grabbed the referee to escape. Edge grabbed a chair and went to nail Show but he swatted it away but then Lita came from behind with a low blow. Show grabbed Lita by the throat and then Edge nailed Show with a chair to the head and speared him for the win!


Winner – Edge


Triple H is walking in the back with his sledgehammer and bumps into McMahon. McMahon said he wants to clear the air and wishes him the best of luck out there. Vince checks out the sledgehammer and asks if it is the same sledgehammer that he hit Shane with. McMahon said he has so much confidence in Triple H, he doesn t think he needs his friend. Vince walked off with the sledgehammer as we go to commercial.

Spirit-Jack Match
Referee: Michael Chioda
Kenny vs. Triple H

The Spirit Squad are in the ring and do a chant for Kenny, who then makes his entrance. The music of Triple H then hit as he made his way down for this Spirit Jack Match, with all of the Spirit Squad at ringside.

The start:

Triple H nailed Kenny with a right hand, and then more big knockdown punches. Triple H sent Kenny head first to the corner, and Kenny bailed to the outside. Triple H pulled Kenny onto the apron but Kenny hotshotted him. Kenny sent Triple H head first to the corner, but Triple H came back with a running clothesline. Kenny takes control again with a right hand but then ran into a high knee. The Squad are on the apron and Johnny has the referee distracted. Triple H went for a Pedigree but another Squad member got on the apron and Triple H went after him and sent him into the ring steps. Triple H then got back in the ring and tossed Kenny to the outside as we go to commercial.


Mid-match notes:

Back live and Triple H is still in control of Kenny and the Squad pulled Kenny to the outside for a breather. Triple H followed out and nailed right hands but then Mitch came from nowhere and nailed the Game. The Squad stomped away at Triple H and then sent him back into the ring where Kenny covered for two. Kenny hit a spinning back elbow for another two count. Kenny choked Triple H over the middle rope and then Mitch got in the ring to distract the referee while Mikey choked away at Triple H some more. Triple H came back sending Kenny shoulder first into the ring post. Mikey and Mitch got on the apron and the referee was distracted and then Johnny got in the ring and hit the Johnny Go Round on Triple H for two. Kenny tossed Triple H to the outside and the Squad hammered away at the Game.

Kenny mocked Shawn Michaels with the Sweet Chin Music and went for it but Triple H ducked and then hit a DDT. The two traded right hands with Triple H coming out on top. Triple H got a boot in the corner but then Nicky tripped him on the outside and pulled him into the ring post, and wrapped his leg around it. Kenny covered for two and then worked over the knee of Triple H. Kenny distracted the referee allowing Mitch to get a cheap shot in on the knee. Kenny pulled off Triple H s knee pad and he then slapped the Game and hit a leg snap. More of the Squad got on the apron while another held Triple H for Kenny top go for the top rope leg drop but Triple H kicked him off into the ropes and it knocked Kenny off the top.


The Finish:

Triple H hit the facebuster on Kenny and then a clothesline before unloading with right hands in the corner. Triple H ate boot in the corner but then Kenny ran into a spinebuster. Triple H went for the Pedigree but then more of the Squad got on the apron and Triple H knocked him down. Nicky charged at the Game but he tossed him over the top into the rest of the Squad. Triple H then nailed the Pedigree for the win.

Winner – Triple H

The Aftermath:

The Squad all got in the ring and stomped away on Triple H. Triple H rolled to the outside where the Squad held him and took turns on hitting huge right hands. The slammed Triple H into the announce table. They held up the ring apron and mocked that the sledgehammer wasn t there. Johnny has a steel chair and Triple H then crawled to the time keeper table and pulled out his sledgehammer. The Squad pooped themselves ands Triple H went after all of them with the hammer. McMahon then comes out and congratulates Triple H, but he has another challenge for him next week, and he sees him joining a certain club. How about next week on RAW, Triple H joins the Mr. McMahon Kiss My Ass Club! Triple H looked worried as RAW went off the air.

