HBK Not Happy With D-X, Kane, Orton's Shoulder Injury, & More

Shawn Michaels is said to be a little uncomfortable with his new role in DX. The belief is that people will see it as a contradiction from what he's preached over the past few years.

Sgt. Slaughter will be pulling out his GI Joe threads out of the mothballs for the upcoming GI Joe convention in New Orleans.

See No Evil pulled in $65,000 last weekend. The film will probably be out of all movie theatres by the end of the week. The movie ended up making $15 million overall in ticket receipts.

Randy Orton's shoulder is said to be sore at this point. He did not dislocate it like previously reported. After injuring it last week at the 6/20 ECW taping from Albany, NY. Orton iced his shoulder down. He then attended a promotional event in the U.K. later in the week.

