Sabu's Backstage Attitude, Heyman High On Test, More News
Sabu's attitude, which was considered to be WWE's biggest problem with him when signed, has been excellent so far. At his age, 41, he realizes that this is probably his last chance to make some big money in wrestling. His work with John Cena was better than anyone anticipated. Also, he's clicked well with the core talent that is willing to work with him. The feeling is that he's the top newcomer in the company.
Shelly Martinez's tarot card reader gimmick was another concession to appeal to Sci-Fi Network officials.
The ECW TV taping on July 4th at the Wachovia Center will feature one hour of dark matches starting at 9 p.m. The show will then go live at 10 p.m.
Andrew "Test" Martin is being pushed because Paul Heyman thinks highly of him. Heyman, dating back to 1999, has always felt that Test had some untapped potential and that his career never got going because creative never gave him a shot.