Update On The Great American Bash; New Poster & Preview

Mike sent in the following:

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that over in Europe today I recieved my magazine for upcoming Pay-Per-View events in July and it had an all new Great American Bash Poster featured in it. I've scanned it and sent it over, because the poster features Batista, Rey Mysterio Jr., Undertaker, Kurt Angle, JBL, & Mark Henry.

It's funny, because Angle is now in ECW and JBL is now announcing, so I don't know if this poster is older or there are other plans for the Great American Bash that involve ECW that we just don't know about yet. It also features the all new Great American Bash logo and had the following preview with it:

It wouldn't be a US summer without a Bash! Fire it up with SmackDown Superstars Batista, Rey Mysterio, Booker T, JBL, The Undertaker and more.

