WWE RAW Results (6/12): Heyman/ECW, D-X Is Back!

WWE RAW Results (6/12): Heyman/ECW, D-X Is Back!

Event: WWE Monday Night RAW Results
Airdate: Monday, June 12th, 2006
Location: The Bryce Jordan Center in University Park, PA
Results by PowerWrestling.com


In Memory:

RAW opened up with a picture of the late John Earthquake Tenta and tonight s show is in memory of him. WWE RAW Opener:

Paul Heyman is shown on the screen and says his name is Paul Heyman and he represents ECW, and he s here to fix the controversy about the title match last night. He says even though he counted Cena s shoulders down, and he s not a referee, that match was contested under ECW rules and the decision stands. Rob Van Dam is officially the new WWE Champion. Heyman said tomorrow is the debut of ECW on Sci-Fi and the WWE Title will be rechristened the ECW Championship. Rob Van Dam will be a fighting champion and we recognize Edge as the number one contender, so RVD will face Edge at Vengeance. Heyman invites Edge and Lita to ECW tomorrow night. Heyman then introduces us to the new champion, Rob Van Dam. RVD comes on the screen and does his finger point, and then spins the title around and says ECW.



Triple H faces the entire Spirit Squad and also John Cena will go head to head with the man who cost him the WWE Title, Edge.

Referee: Michael Chioda
Randy Orton vs. Kane

The music of Randy Orton hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring for action, and this is his official return to RAW and he will be facing Kane!

The start:

Orton hit a right hand in the corner but it didn t phase Kane. Orton hit another right and then Kane grabbed him and tossed him to the corner. Orton came back with an elbow and then clubbed away at Kane in the corner. Orton nailed a kick to the face and then a nice dropkick. Kane sat up and nailed a big boot on Orton and then worked him over in the corner. Kane hit a clothesline in the corner and then a big splash. Kane scored with a side slam and then headed up top but Orton cut him off.

The Finish:

Orton went for a superplex but Kane knocked him back down and hit the flying clothesline. Kane signalled for the chokeslam and grabbed Orton but Orton grabbed the ropes. Kane then kicked Orton square in the head to knock him to the floor and Kane followed out. Kane battled Orton up the aisle but Orton came back with right hands. The bell then sounds and both men have been counted out.


Winner – Double count out

The Aftermath:

The two continue to battle and Orton goes for the RKO on the stage but Kane throws him off. Kane s old music then hit and the fake Kane comes out and gets face to face with real Kane. They traded right hands and then the fake Kane grabbed Kane by the throat but then Kane grabbed him too but fake Kane went for Kane s eye. Fake Kane nailed an uppercut sending Kane off the stage.

In the arena:

Charlie Haas made his way to the ring as we see footage from last week of Haas inadvertently knocking Lilian Garcia off the apron. Haas slowly walks to the ring this week. Haas says that in this business sometimes you make mistakes, and because of his carelessness, someone truly innocent got hurt. Haas called Lilian into the ring. She didn t look amused. Lilian got into the ring and Charlie says that he is horribly sorry about what he did last week. When he knocked her off the apron, it was reckless and careless, and it was an accident and he s sorry. Charlie asked Lilian to accept his apology. Lilian went to accept but then Viscera s music hit. Viscera took the mic and said he has to admit that was sweet, that was real sweet, and his lady Lilian, she may accept his apology, but him, he doesn t. Viscera clotheslined Haas and then hammered away on him. Lilian is trying to stop Viscera as he chops Charlie in the corner, and then sends him hard to the buckle. Viscera hits the big splash in the corner and then hits the VD. Viscera left and Lilian didn t know what to think.



Jonathan Coachman is backstage with some crew and says tonight is McMahon s state of the WWE address. He sends people around getting them ready. He says McMahon isn t in a good mood tonight and it has to be perfect.


Eugene is shown in the back with a bandage on his head. He says he has a bad feeling about Duggan s match with Umaga tonight. Duggan goes off saying he s not worried. Duggan says he s going to stand up straight, look the enemy in the eye and chant USA. Hoooo!


Torrie Wilson is shown walking towards the ring in the back, and she is set to take on Candice Michelle in the first ever Wet & Wild Match.

State of the WWE Address:

McMahon is shown and says WWE is a promotional juggernaut, and is the most successful in history. He says that WWE has recently announced the debut of a third brand which premieres on Sci-Fi tomorrow night. McMahon says that Heyman made it clear at the top of the show that we have a new WWE Champion, Rob Van Dam. McMahon says he wants to discuss what happened to him last week on RAW. McMahon said what Triple H did was wrong, and he wants him to think about that. He wants Triple H to think about what happened to Shawn Michaels, and when he put him in the match with the Spirit Squad and he hasn t been in action since. McMahon said that he will teach Triple H a lesson tonight. McMahon says tonight will be slow, and he will dismember Triple H limb by limb in a Gauntlet Match with the Spirit Squad vs. Triple H. When it s all over, he assures us that Triple H will be reunited with Shawn Michaels, on the highway to hell.


Wet & Wild Match
Referee: Mickey Hensen
Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle

The ring is filled with water bombs and water pistols and buckets of water, everything is legal. The only way to win is by pinfall or submission, and the winner will be on the cover of the Summer Special magazine. Torrie then made her way to the ring and she s set to face Candice Michelle.

The start:

Torrie and Candice got back to back and then both grabbed a pistol and pumped them up and Torrie nailed Candice. Candice can t get hers working. They then tossed balloons at each other. Candice grabbed Torrie and slammed her into the balloons. Candice hit a backbreaker and then put a water balloon down her top and then hit a vaderbomb for a two count. Candice tossed water all over the referee and then bit into a water balloon bursting it all over her. You could see through their white bra and panties, this was so hot.

The Finish:

Torrie came back with a dropkick and then sent her chest first to the corner. Torrie then tipped water over Candice in the corner and did the stinkface. Candice went to the outside and Torrie went to shoot her with the pistol but Candice moved and she almost hit King and JR with it. Back in the ring and Torrie tipped a bucket of water of Candice and then hit a facebuster for the win.


Winner – Torrie Wilson

The Aftermath:

Torrie tossed water balloons at JR and King and then made her way to the back.

Canadian Walk Of Fame:

Footage was shown of Trish Stratus hosting Canada s Walk of Fame. Comments were shown from Dan Aykroyd, Eugene Levy, Brendan Fraser and more. Trish was shown performing. Pamela Anderson and Trish also kissed at the show.

Canadian Walk Of Fame:

Footage was shown of Trish Stratus hosting Canada s Walk of Fame. Comments were shown from Dan Aykroyd, Eugene Levy, Brendan Fraser and more. Trish was shown performing. Pamela Anderson and Trish also kissed at the show.


The Spirit Squad are shown backstage getting fired up and they said they are going to do the same thing they did to Shawn Michaels. Tonight, it s Game Over.

Gauntlet Match
Referee: None
Triple H vs. The Spirit Squad

The music of Triple H hit in the arena as he made his way down to the ring and he will have to face the entire Spirit Squad in this Gauntlet Match! McMahon made his way out to the stage and says look, it s Triple H, the King of King s, the Game, in time pal, in time. McMahon said that the referee can get out of the ring, and he does so. McMahon reminds us of what he personally did to Shawn Michaels, with the Spirit Squad beatdown. McMahon said that Triple H s demise will take a lot longer, and we are going to start with Mikey.


The start:

Mikey made his way to the ring and Triple H clotheslined him down. Mikey comes back with a thumb to the eye and then some right hands. Triple H hits a clothesline in the corner and then nails a suplex. Triple H does the suck it and then hits a running knee drop. The fans chanted DX! as Mikey hits a boot to the face but then Triple H hits the high knee. McMahon sends Kenny to the ring and Triple H nails him with right hands in the corner.

Mid-match notes:

Triple H then hits right hands on Mikey and nailed the facebuster and went for the Pedigree but Kenny nailed him from behind. Kenny and Mikey double teamed Triple H in the corner and then hit a double back elbow knockdown. Kenny flipped Mikey onto Triple H and then they slapped him around some. They went for Poetry in Motion in the corner but Triple H moved and then hit a neckbreaker on Kenny. Triple H backdropped Mikey over the ring post to the outside and then hit a spinebuster on Kenny. McMahon sent Johnny and Nicky to the ring. Triple H fought them off but then the numbers caught up with Triple H. Triple H fought them off some more but then all of them stomped away at him in the corner. They sent Triple H to the outside and continued to hammer away at him and then whipped him into the ring steps. McMahon is liking what he sees. They rammed Triple H s head into the ring steps some more and then choked him with a TV cable.


The Finish:

The Squad sent Triple H back into the ring and then ht the High Spirits. Kenny went to the outside and grabbed a steel chair. Kenny put the chair over the knee of Triple H and McMahon said not on the knee, break his damn neck! They put the chair on Triple H s neck and McMahon called out Mitch, but Mitch does appear. Mitch is then thrown out of the entrance and Shawn Michaels appeared to a huge pop! McMahon looked pissed as Michaels hit Sweet Chin Music on Mitch on the stage.

Winner – No Contest

The Aftermath:

Michaels ran to the ring and nailed right hands on all of the Squad and then Triple H and Michaels cleared house of the Squad! Michaels and Triple H stared at each other and then Michaels hit Sweet Chin Music on one of the Squad and Triple H the Pedigree on Johnny. Michaels and Triople H got face to face and high fived and did the suck it towards McMahon! DX is back! Michaels and Triple H did the X signs in the corner and then Triple H pulled down his shorts and signalled that McMahon can kiss his ass. McMahon is pissed as Michaels and Triple H continued to do suck it signs in the ring! They then both posed together to a huge pop from the crowd!


The Squad is pissed backstage and McMahon says we re going to get rid of those bastards because at Vengeance it s going to be the five of them against the damn DX!


Referee: Jack Doan
Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Umaga

The music of Hacksaw Him Duggan hit as he made his way to the ring with Eugene for action with Umaga, who attacked both Duggan and Eugene last week on RAW. Armando AlejandroEstrada is in Umaga s corner as per usual.

The match:

Duggan attacked Umaga as he entered the ring but Umaga came back with a throat thrust and then worked him over in the corner and locked him in the tree of woe. Eugene unlocked Duggan and then handed Duggan the 2X4. Umaga then hit a big boot on Duggan and grabbed the 2X4. Umaga then headbutted the 2X4 in half! Umaga then hit the Samoan Spike on Duggan and covered for the easy win.

Winner – Umaga

The Aftermath:

Umaga grabbed Eugene and tied him in the ropes. Armando got on the mic and said in case you haven t heard, his name is Armando Alejandro Esssstrada, and Eugene, jew big dummy, this is what happens to people who get in the ring with the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga! Umaga hit the neck snap butt bump on Hacksaw in the corner and Eugene started to cry.

In the arena:

The music of Mick Foley hit in the arena as he made his way down to the ring, looking to be in good spirits. Foley takes a mic and says he has some great news. It turns out the blurry vision he suffered last night at One Night Stand is going to heal up in a week or so, as will his multiple lacerations, while putting on a show of a lifetime for his WWE fans, and more importantly, the old Mick Foley is back again, the cuddly guy, the human Muppet, and this is a turning point in his career. What he is trying to understand after his efforts&the music of Ric Flair then hit! It s the Nature Boy! Foley didn t look amused. Flair gets on the mic and Foley cuts him off. Foley said he gave him his entrance because of who he is, but what the hell is he doing in his ring. Flair said he has wanted to speak to Foley for three years, and he doesn t care about anything Foley did last night. It means nothing to him. He wants to talk about you and me. Flair says it occurred to him that Foley has made innuendos about what Flair has said about his wrestling career, and Flair has wanted to say it for three years. Flair said that his name is Ric Flair, and around here there is only one name on an equal basis and that s Joe Peterno. Flair said this whole scenario is a bunch of crap. He wanted to bring back the wild show ECW because that s all he is, a glorified stuntman, and for ten years, guys like Flair, Michaels, Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, have walked out that curtain and wrestled their way to greatness. Flair said people always say to him that the coolest thing they ever saw was Foley going off the cage through the table, and that pisses him off. Flair said they wrestle their way to greatness, and he falls off a cage? That s bulls–t.


Foley said that s not what it s all about. Foley said he knows all about Flair, but these people don t about him and Harley Race, or him and Steamboat and him and Funk. What bothers him wherever he goes, to the WWE fans, his WWE fans, Flair will never be in the same league, he just doesn t match up to the guy who wears flannels and slept on a roof while WWE champion to save a couple of bucks, and it drives him crazy. Foley said more than anything else is the fact that Flair can do nothing about it because the glorified stuntman in the ring could rip him apart like that. Flair took off his jacket and hit an elbow drop on nothing and Flair begged Foley to take a shot. They both got in each others face, and Foley said he could take him like that, but just not now. Foley said his eyes are screwed up and got out of the ring. Flair asked what he has to do? Throw some thumb tacks around the ring? Flair said he wants Foley s ass in the ring now. Foley said that he doesn t get his ass here and now, because he has a challenge for Ric. He isn t going to fight in barbwire or grab a ladder, because he s going to out wrestle him, and he s going to do it at Vengeance in Flair s hometown of Charlotte, and make sure there is no mistake, two out of three falls in a wrestling match! Flair said after he wrestled Edge in that TLC Match he woke up and wanted Foley so bad. He said they are not screwing around, him and Foley in Charlotte, he s got it. Foley said he will embarrass Flair in his hometown and the legend of Ric Flair will be done!


Referee: Mikey Hensen
Carlito vs. Johnny Nitro

Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin joins the commentary booth as Johnny Nitro s music hits in the arena as he makes his way to the ring with Melina, and he s set to face Carlito! JR informs us that Shelton Benjamin will defend the Intercontinental Title against Carlito and Nitro at Vengeance!

The start:

Carlito and Nitro locked up and Carlito grabbed a side headlock and then hit a shoulder block followed by an arm drag and a hip toss. Melina has Carlito s apple and starts eating it on the outside. Carlito goes after her and then Nitro nailed him with a baseball slide. Nitro tossed Carlito back into the ring and nailed some right hands before choking him over the bottom rope. Melina then choked Carlito with her legs while Nitro distracted the referee. Nitro hit a backbreaker and covered for two. Nitro locked in a front face lock but Carlito flipped him out and Nitro landed on his feet and Carlito nailed a chop and then some left hands.

The Finish:

Carlito hit a springboard back elbow and then a running knee lift and a clothesline. Carlito nailed a back drop but then Nitro sent Carlito to the outside. Benjamin got up for a closer look as Nitro went for a suplex on Carlito. Melina is on the apron distracting the referee as Carlito went for the backcracker, but Benjamin prevented it by holding onto Nitro from the apron. Nitro then nailed his finisher for the win.


Winner – Johnny Nitro


Todd Grisham is backstage with Mickie James. Grisham said last week Beth was injured during her match with Victoria. Mickie said everyone who has a problem with Mickie has the worst fate. Ashley who called her psycho broke her leg, Trish Stratus in her rematch for the Women s Title popped her shoulder out, and now poor Beth has to eat her food through a straw. She said she really liked Beth, they grew up together, and then she got really mean. James said the one thing that will always love her in the Women s Title. Orton then shows up and says that everyone is talking about One Night Stand when Kurt Angle beat him. He isn t the type to complain, but the facts are that he faced Angle on ECW turf, and if he has any guts, he ll face Orton at Vengeance under WWE rules. Orton wants Todd to spread the word that Vengeance is his destiny.

The Highlanders:

Another promo aired for the Highlanders in New York City. These guys are quite amusing. One of them sticks their head in a garbage can and starts to eat some of it. Rory says they are the Highlanders and they are coming to Monday Night RAW!


Maria is in the back and then Lita comes in. Lita takes over and sends Maria away. Lita introduces us to the Rated R Superstar, Edge. Edge says that he changed the wrestling landscape in the last 24 hours, and he defeated three ECW wrestlers at One Night Stand and then cost John Cena the WWE Title, and at Vengeance he will beat RVD for that title. Edge says that they are going to answer Heyman s invitation and come to ECW on Sci-Fi tomorrow night. Edge said that from here on in, Cena will never see the WWE Championship again.


In the arena:

ECW guys are shown in the crowd, Stevie Richards, Justin Credible and Balls Mahoney and they comes down to ringside and they have tickets to be here tonight, and it looks as if they want a closer look at the next match!

Referee: Michael Chioda
John Cena vs. Edge

The music of Edge is playing in the arena as he passes the ECW guys with Lita. John Cena then makes his way down and he looks pissed.

The match:

Cena speared Edge down and hammered away him with right hands. Edge thumbed the eye of Cena and then tried to high tail it but Cena caught him in the aisle and sent him into the ring steps. Cena sent Edge back into the ring and hammered away with right hands in the corner. Lita got in the ring and got on the back of Cena and the referee called for the bell.

Winner by disqualification, John Cena

The Aftermath:

Edge tried to run through the crowd and he got away and then Cena got into it with the ECW guys. Cena nails Stevie right the chair and then knocked Justin Credible over the announce table with it. Cena then nailed Balls in the head with it and Cena has laid out three ECW guys. Cena took the mic and said at One Night Stand, he got an awakening as to how ECW does business. According to them, hell, anybody can show up, and when they get there, they can do whatever the hell they want. Well you know what he thinks. He thinks he likes it. Cena smiled and said as for now, he thinks he really likes it, because tomorrow night is the television debut of ECW. And he s going to show up, and when he does, he s going to do whatever the hell he wants to do, so Paul Heyman, thank you for throwing this party tomorrow night, because John Cena will have an extremely good time.

