Unforgiven Note, Trish's Last Match, Hogan, & More

In preparation for their next Raw pay per view event, Unforgiven, WWE has sent out a press release in Canada today touting Trish Stratus' last match in WWE in her hometown, as well as Edge defending the WWE Championship in his hometown (they both share Toronto as their home city).


WWE.com has added an interview with Trish Stratus where she talks about her upcoming retirement from the company and her last match against Lita for the WWE Women's Championship at the Unforgiven PPV on September 17. "It kind of just occurred to me when my contract came due; I had to stop and say wait, let me think about the rest of my life and what I want to do tomorrow," said Trish. "I just decided that right now I need a little me time." Trish gets pretty emotional during the interview according to WWE.com, adding quote, "I guess all I can say is thank you&it s so crazy to me, for the last seven years the fans have grown up with me and watched me mature into what I am today. It s kind of a unique scenario, where they were with me for every step up the mountain. They ve been with me for the entire ride..."


Bobby Eaton was released from the hospital in Kingsport, TN yesterday. Eaton suffered a heart attack and had surgery this past week. He is said to be feeling much better and resting at home.

The CBS News website has a segment up called FreeSpeech where they compare wrestlers to politicians. The footage features old WWE clips of Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage.

