John Cena Gets A Taste Of TNA Wrestling

Terri Bey sent this in:
John Cena was on Cold Pizza this Morning. They discussed his training for the movie, "The Marine." He was asked if he would leave wrestling for the movies like the Rock and he said he would have to have two full time jobs. They talked about his match on RAW with the Undertaker. Cena critiqued AJ Perzinski on TNA. AJ and Cena compared the TNA and WWE Championship belts.

Johnny Hollie sent this in:
The interesting thing that happened on Cold Pizza was when A.J. Pierzynski came in to "challenge" Cena. He was carrying the X division title that TNA gave him. Cena said he thought he saw that belt in the gumball machine outside when they compared belts. They also showed clips of last night with the Undertaker and Cena said that if he is successful in acting he would do both.

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