WWE RAW Three Hour Special, Cryme Tyme & More

Partial Credit: PWInsider.com

Antonio Mestre announced that he has left Deep South Wrestling (a WWE developmental territory). Mestre said that he made the decision on his own to leave the territory.

In today s Durham Herald Sun features an article looking at a protest over WWE's newest babyfaces Cryme Tyme. Paul Scott who s is the founder of the Durham-based Messianic Afrikan Nation has come against the gimmick. WWE's Gary Davis commented; "The audience knows we're presenting these characters with a nod and a wink. At the end of the day you won't see anybody try to emulate these characters". Davis Also noted that the only character ever pulled due to outside complaints was Muhammad Hassan.

The Score will be airing the WWE RAW three hour special from 8:00 – 11:00.

