Please credit Alan J. Wojcik of https://alanwojcik.com if used.

Welcome to the LIVE SPOILERS for TNA Impact to air over the next two weeks. There is another TV taping next Monday to get the product through the New Year s holiday and to the Final Resolution PPV. Former NWA World champion Dory Funk Jr was back in attendance with his trainees from the Funkin Conservatory.


Impact hour number one to air December 14th:

Robert Roode and the lovely Ms. Brooks made their way out to the ring, with Roode carrying some sort of file. Roode was greeted with a You Suck chant from the people. Roode said none of us should be happy because he wasn t a happy person. He called for Eric Young to enter the Impact Zone to take an offer he can t refuse. But Roode didn t get Young; he got Kurt Angle who told them to hit the bricks. Angle said the Turning Point match where he tapped out was playing in his mind. Angle said he gave Joe a chance at revenge and he said Joe that he wanted a rematch. Joe appeared on the video screens and said that before Turning Point Angle said it was done. Joe said he was focused on the NWA World Heavyweight title not Kurt Angle. Angle got out of the ring and had words with Mike Tenay and got angered by something Don West said. Angle went Ken Shamrock and locked on the Ankle Lock. TNA security came out as Mike Tenay pleaded with Angle to let West out of the hold. Finally Angle let go and went to the locker room area.


Back from the commercial Mike Tenay addressed the home audience on what transpired.

(1) In a non-title encounter, NWA World Heavyweight champion Abyss (w/Father James Mitchell) defeated former NWA World Heavyweight champion Ron the Truth Killings.

At the bell Abyss charged Killings but the Truth tagged the champion with an enziguri and clothesline that sent him to the floor. Killings followed out with a tope which made him land on top of Abyss head. As Killings got in they went to commercial. Abyss and Mitchell had words on the floor as referee Slick Mark Johnson laid down the ten count. After rapping with the fans Killings was dragged to the floor by Abyss who smashed Killings into the ringsteps just as the show came back from the break. Back in the ring Abyss wish some help from Mitchell choked Killings on the ropes. Killings countered out of Shock Treatment and hit the flying forearm but missed the Scissor kick. Abyss went for the chokeslam but Killings fought out eventually hitting a side kick for two. Killings went after Mitchell and ran right into the Black hole Slam which allowed Abyss to win.

After the match Tenay was joined by Jim Cornette at the broadcast table. The interview girl spoke to Christian Cage and Tomko where Cage said he wanted a rematch or the dirty little secret would be aired. Ms. Brooks was demanding Eric Young sign the contract when Kurt Angle attacked asking Young where Samoa Joe was located.


(2) In a non title match, former champion Petey Williams defeated World X Division champion Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Daniels went right to a overhand wristlock which Williams countered out into a headlock but Daniels went back to the wrist. Daniels briefly went to the floor but came back in when he saw Williams going for a move. Williams hit several chest chops but his clothesline was turned into an STO from Daniels. Daniels raked his hands down Williams back and then delivered a corkscrew elbow to the back. Daniels went for a chinlock but Williams fought to his feet only to be slammed to the mat but Daniels landed on Williams shins instead of upper body on a springboard moonsault. Chris Sabin came out with the X title belt and was followed by Jerry Lynn. Sabin bailed and left Lynn holding the belt and Daniels leveled Lynn. This allowed Williams to roll up Daniels for the pinfall win. Lynn and Daniels traded heated words as Sabin gloated on the rampway.

Backstage Kurt Angle put Slick Mark Johnson in the Ankle Lock wanting Samoa Joe s location. Back from the break Tenay and Cornette talked about the main event of the evening when Kurt Angle came out and dragged So Cal Val into the ring. This brought Cornette from the announce table into the ring. Cornett said he knows Angle wants the rematch and he wants Angle to have it but Cornette said he can t force it due to a stipulation in Joe s contract. However he could make a tag team encounter against Samoa Joe for next week. Angle seemed to agree to the match for next week or he could kick Cornette s butt next.


Back from the break Jeremy Borash spoke to America s Most Wanted ( Tennessee Cowboy James Storm and Wildcat Chris Harris w/Gail Kim) about tonight s match. Harris had a patch over his right eye from glass scraping it at the PPV. He said AMW has settled their differences and are ready for the match.

(3) In a title vs. team dissolves match w/Konnan locked in the King of the Mountain cage, NWA World Tag Team champions Latin American Xchange ( Notorious 187 Homicide and Hotstuff Hernandez) defeated America s Most Wanted ( Tennessee Cowboy James Storm and Wildcat Chris Harris w/Gail Kim)

The cage was placed by the announce table as the brawl broke out at the bell. Harris smashed Hernandez s head into the cage taunting Konnan. Storm went to work on Homicide s injured head as Harris dragged Hernandez back to the ring. A Kill Those Gringos chant broke out as LAX took over on Harris and the injured eye. Storm was helpless as he couldn t help his partner from the ring apron. Harris avoided LAX and they collided with each other. Storm came into help even out the odds. He decked Hernandez with a superkick. Storm grabbed his beer bottle and when it looked like he was going to attack Homicide, he attacked Chris Harris??? As Kim looked on is shock Hernandez rolled Homicide into the ring where he pinned Harris. Petey Williams came out and had words with Storm as he left ringside. So by contract and decision from James Storm, America s Most Wanted is no more and I am pissed off at it despite normally being impartial in my reporting.


Captain Charisma Christian Cage and Tomko came out to get their answer from Abyss. But before Cage opened his mouth Abyss came out and jumped Tomko. Cage snuck from behind but it didn t do any good as Abyss was ready for him. However Abyss didn t see Tomko sneak in with a clothesline. Guess the secret will remain that way for a while longer. As Cage and Tomko left for higher ground Abyss decked Earl Hebner with a punch, Andrew Thomas with the Black Hole Slam and hit Rudy Charles with Shock Treatment. Cornette left the announce table to try and calm down Abyss but he got choked. The lights went down and came up to find Sting in the ring with them. Sting said something and Abyss choked out Father James Mitchell. Abyss let both men go when Sting grabbed the NWA World Heavyweight title belt. You read that right the born again Christian stole something. As the show ended Mitchell ran up the rampway to get away from Abyss.

Impact hour number two to air December 21st:

Don West returned to the broadcast table on crutches and a wrap on his ankle. So Cal Val also came back, dressed in holiday attire.

(1) Sting defeated Serotonin member Frankie the Future Kazarian (w/ Hotshot Johnny Devine and Maverick Matt Bentley)


Early on we had a fight between three kendo stick and a baseball bat which shockingly went in favor of the metal bat. But Bentley and Devine grabbed Sting s ankles allowing Kazarian to hit a flip kick to the corner. Kazarian went for another move but Sting hit the Scorpion Death Drop and won the match.

After the match Sting told Abyss he wanted to give the title belt back to him but he wanted something in return, a rematch for the belt. Sting said Abyss had until the end of the hour (yeah that again) to give a reply without assistance from Mitchell. Sonjay Dutt, Petey Williams and Jay Lethal came out and gave the fans some merchandise as Mike Tenay and Don West spoke to the home fans. Raven and Serotonin came out once again to discipline Kazarian for his loss.

(2) In a tables match, Team 3D (Brother Ray and Devon welcome back from wherever they went) vs. the Naturals (Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas w/ the Franchise Shane Douglas)

The Naturals jumped 3D at the bell and we were fighting once more. Devon avoided a double clothesline and Ray hit the Naturals with one of his own. Ray hit both Naturals with a corner splash and dumped Stevens to the floor. They grabbed Andy Douglas and hit the Wassup nutshot and then the table request was granted by 3D but first they hit Stevens with a 3D. Ray hit Douglas with a top rope power bomb into a table to win. After the match Shane Douglas grabbed the house mic telling the Naturals he warned them and then ended the partnership.


Ron the Truth Killings and Lance Hoyt came out to the ringside area with Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt and Petey Williams to hand out more items to the fans. Killings did some sort of Christmas rap song. They were followed out by Brother Runt who dressed as Santa Claus who also passed out stuff. However he was interrupted by the Latin American Xchange who came out with a mini Christmas tree. Konnan said Cornette played with fire and lost last week. Konnan said the tree represented their struggles during the holiday season. Santa Runt said they should be full of joy not being angered with the crowd and TNA. Runt told Konnan to zip his lip but Homicide and Hernandez jumped him. LAX ran off when Eric Young, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, Petey Williams, Ron Killings and Lance Hoyt came to save Santa.

After some commercials NWA World Heavyweight champion Abyss minus Father James Mitchell came to the ring. He was joined by Sting and the championship belt. Sting dropped the baseball bat and addressed Abyss. Sting said Abyss had the potential to be a great champion if he learned to forget the past. Sting wanted a handshake to seal the deal for Final Resolution. On the video screen appeared Christian Cage apparently on location. Cage said Abyss should do the right thing or he would reveal all of Abyss past. Cage looked like he was in front of a mental hospital or prison. Sting said that Cage was a big dick and Abyss didn t need to listen to any of it. But instead of a handshake Abyss choked Sting. Sting fought back with punches to Abyss head but the monster fought back. Sting was going to lock in the Scorpion Death Lock when TNA Security hit the ring. When things looked settled down Tomko came out to distract Abyss. Cage appeared in the ring as one of the security men and decked Sting. Abyss grabbed Sting s bat and looked like he was going to save Sting when Mitchell came out and ordered Abyss to leave ringside. Abyss didn t listen and ran back to the ring sending Cage and Tomko running. Mitchell ran after Abyss who stood over Sting with the bat. Abyss handed the bat off to Sting and Mitchell seemed to get control of Abyss.


(3) Samoa Joe and Phenomenal AJ Styles defeated Kurt Angle and Rhino.

Joe s tag team relationships haven t last long, just ask Sting and Christopher Daniels. Rhino and Angle jumped their opponents before the bell and brawled all over the place. Joe and Angle fought around the announce table while Rhino took Styles into the fans. Styles had looked to be split open when Rhino tossed him into a wooden wall by the seats. Finally Andrew Thomas got the bell rung when the foursome entered the ring. Styles wanted in after Joe leveled Rhino so Joe obliged him. Rhino fired back with a Spinebuster and crawled over to tag Angle in as Styles tagged in Joe. Angle hit both men with suplexes and locked Styles in the Ankle Lock but Joe hit Angle with an enziguri. Rhino hit Joe with a Belly to Belly suplex but his GORE met Joe s boot into the face. Angle hit Joe with the Olympic Slam as Rhino got rolled up by Styles for the pin. Rhino and Styles fought to the back as Angle locked Joe in the Ankle Lock. TNA Security ran out to get Angle off Joe but it didn t work as Angle refused to let go. Angle seemed to be yelling give me my rematch as he left the ringside area. When the show went to commercial the TNA trainer hit the ring as Joe appeared to injure his left knee which was already encased in a brace.

