Howard Stern Mentions WWE's Rosie Vs. Trump Feud
Christian Connor passed along the following report:
Today on The Howard Stern show on Sirius Radio, Howard played some clips from Monday Night Raw's "Historic" Rosie vs. Trump face off. Howard began playing the clip and immediately asked what happened to Vince's voice, JD (part of the show's crew) came in and explained how Vince was in his "Mr. McMahon" character. Howard played more of the clip where Vince meets Rosie in the dressing room, about 20 seconds in Howard stopped the clip and started going off on how boring the clip was and how he couldn't believe people actually watched wrestling. Stern then played another clip hoping it would be more entertaining, playing the clip where Vince was introducing Rosie to the ring and you could hear Jim Ross commentating as Rosie made her entrance. At this time Stern finally stopped the clip for good, again asking how people actually found WWE entertaining. Some of the other studio crew started to make fun of how bad the WWE clips were and then JD went on to mention how the Rosie vs. Trump match was actually booed by the fans at the arena and how they were loudly chanting "we want wrestlers" during the "match".
The entire time Stern spent discussing WWE was about 2 minutes overall. You could almost sense that Howard was expecting funny material from the WWE clips and was very disappointed when he found it wasn't entertaining. I found it very ironic that even the "King of All Media" (who is widely known for his love and use of adolescent humor) was unable to find any kind of entertainment in WWE's current product.