John Laurinaitis Backstage Heat, Edge, Vince, Gymini
The son's of WWE legend "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase, Mike DiBiase & Ted DiBiase Jr., are on their way to the Pro Wrestling NOAH dojo in Japan.
XtremeFalls43 sent in this recap: (On Wednesday) Edge did a radio interview with The Kidd Chris Show from Philadelphia. He talked about how he loved being a heel over a face. He ripped Philadelphia for being so easy to rip on during interviews. He and the host joked about the Mountie and The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers being so over the top. Edge talked about talked about the difference between him and Christian being more goofy as a heels when he and Orton are more evil heels. They then talked about Triple H's injury and Edge stated its sad because the feud was starting to get heated and it left a huge hole in the company. Edge then talked about the match on Monday with Shawn Michaels. The Host then brought up Lita and Edge said she started a band and is having fun with that. They joked about Edge and the other divas backstage and Edge said he learned his lesson from last time. The Host then brought up Mickie James and Edge said she was a tiny little thing but a spark plug. They then said good bye to end the interview. Weird Edge didn't mention the Royal Rumble this weekend but mentioned he was at the NHL All Star Game. Edge came off pretty good in the interview though.
The recently released Gymini are looking for work. Mike and Todd Shane can be contacted for independent bookings at Also, former OVW wrestler Jack Bull, who was released last Saturday, is also now accepting bookings. For more information, contact
John Laurinaitis had to get the brunt of Vince McMahon's furor after Laurinaitis' secretary Ann Russo was unknowingly on the air during the Bubba the Love Sponge radio show two weeks ago. McMahon was angry to say the least. He doesn't like the names of who he's approved of getting out before they announce them, much less the names of those even being considered. Without telling her, Hogan put Russo on speaker phone when she read out the names being considered for this year's WWE Hall of Fame ceremony to Hulk Hogan. After she was done, Hogan told her that she was on 'Candid Camera'. She was not amused and told Hogan that she could get in trouble. And of course, Laurinaitis ended up getting the heat for all this.