Steiner's New Long-Term TNA Deal, Cornette/Maria, More

There is an interview with Jim Cornette in the latest edition of the UK's Powerslam magazine. Maria's position with Ohio Valley Wrestling at the end of his tenure in the company gets brought up and he subsequently blasts her. Although, it should be noted that Cornette's opinion on her is based on her time in OVW in early 2005 when she was really new to the business and Cornette was pretty much fed up with WWE & their direction by that point. Anyways, here is what he said about Maria: Don't you mean Maria? Marie, Maria: whatever. Another useless (woman) they foisted off on me. You know, I was running a wrestling school. Maria hadn't wrestled, didn't like wrestling, and didn't wanna f–king wrestle. I don't know what the f–k she was doing there. I was expected to use her on television, so she could practice her interviewing... She couldn't even remember the names of the people she was interviewing. WWE wanted her on our show live. I told them the last time she was on live, she couldn't remember the wrestlers names, so I was putting her in a pre-tape.

It looks like we haven't seen the last of 'Big Poppa Pump' in TNA as noted by late last night. Scott Steiner, 44, has signed a new long-term deal with TNA and he should be back on television very soon. They also have a plan in place for a Scott Steiner/Kurt Angle feud later in the year. Steiner hasn't appeared in a TNA ring since August. The reason for his disappearance was due to the fact that he wasn't satisfied with his pay. Steiner initially joined TNA for less than his asking price and he thought he deserved a raise by that point after he had proved himself. The two parties couldn't come to an agreement as contract negotiations came to a standstill, and thus he hasn't appeared on television in several months.

