The Latest On WWE RAW Vs. TNA iMPACT!

WWE Raw and TNA Impact are airing simultaneously twice in February. Not only will WWE Raw and TNA Impact go head-to-head on Thursday, February 15th, but replays of both programs will go head-to-head two days later, as the USA Network is airing a replay of the Thursday night Raw on Saturday, February 17th at 11 PM. In addition, the USA Network will air WWE AM Raw immediately after the Raw replay on February 17th, meaning 3 hours of WWE programming that night. Here's how the schedule looks now:


WWE Raw on USA – February 15th from 8 to 10 PM
TNA Impact on Spike – February 15th from 9 to 10 PM

WWE RAW replay on USA – February 17th from 11 PM to 1 AM
TNA Impact replay on Spike – February 17th from 11 PM to midnight
WWE AM Raw on USA – February 17th (early February 18th) from 1 AM to 2 AM

