Which TNA Star Was At Royal Rumble?, Lots More News

The band Saliva was backstage at the Royal Rumble match and chatted with the stars before the show.

TNA knockout Jackie Gayda was also backstage at the PPV with her husband Charlie Haas and and their newborn daughter.

WWE.com have an interview with The Hardy Boyz done with Todd Grisham. When asked what's next for them, Matt said "Tag team gold would be nice, but we've been champions 6 times" intimating that it's not a big deal for them. He added that he would like to go for the U.S. Title to complement Jeff's I.C Title.

The fans have voted for the winner of WWE.com's Fantasy Rumble, and it is none other than Shawn Michaels. Ironically, the fantasy rumble also came down to Undertaker and HBK, with Michaels coming out on top.

