Former WWE Star Hits The Big Screen, MLB BobbleHeads
Chris Dunne sent the following: I was watching Live At 5 on CTV last night when they had an interview with Robert Maillet (formally Kurgan in WWE). They were talking to him about his role as Uber Immortal in the upcoming movie 300. I just thought that you would like to pass this on to your readers.
Drew Acklin sent the following: I was looking through the News Paper today and found a list of Promotions for The Cleveland Indians, and on September 15, they have a promotion for a Travis Hafner Bobblehead holding a Wrestling Belt. It s a Bobblehead of Travis Hafner holding a WWE Title. I believe the name on the title is "Hafner", but the picture is too small to read it. Looks like WWE is trying to get it's own baseball players (with TNA having the Indians rival White Soxs Player).