RAW Note For UK Fans, Huge WWE Video Game Update
MTate67539 sent the following: Just wanted to let everyone know about Raw in the UK next week. According to Sky Sports, Raw next week in the UK will be airing live still, but 2 hours later than usual at 4am. They're still advertising it as a live broadcast and the usual 2am slot is filled with repeats of WWE Bottom Line and WWE Heat.
Kyle Gilbertson sent the following: According to IGN.com, THQ announced it would release WWE titles for Nintendo DS, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii and Xbox 360 this year.
Chris sent the following: I stumbled onto bestbuy.com and came across an online tournament for Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 for the XBOX 360. One grand prize winner and one first prize winner will get a trip/tickets to WrestleMania 23...among other things. All the info is on the site: click here.