**SPOILERS** RAW Results For Thursday

**SPOILERS** RAW Results For Thursday

Adam Lebow sent this:

Here is my ongoing report from tonight s edition of WWE Monday Night Raw that is NOT airing in the United States until Thursday.

WWE Monday Night Raw Results February 12th, 2007
On a One Hour Tape Delay on the home for the hardcore, The Score Television Network
10:00pm Eastern Start Time


Prior to the show starting, during Race Night Tonight, they were advertising that WWE Raw would be on The Score with its third breaking news ticker that they have on the bottom of the screen. WWE.com has reported that the main event will be John Cena, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and Dave Batista teaming against Rated RKO, Montel Vontavious Porter and Mr. Kennedy, as well as Donald Trump and Vince McMahon meeting in the ring.

The Following Program may contain mature themes and scenes of sexuality and violence, viewer discretion is advised . 10:00 roles around and we kick off, as always, with the WWE Opening Montage, followed by To Be Loved by Papa Roach. Off go the Fireworks and WWE Raw is from Portland Oregon tonight, Jim Ross and The King at ringside. The two go over the 8 Man Main Event for tonight. Superstars from Raw and Smackdown in this acclaimed Main Event, says Jim Ross. Also Rowdy Roddy Piper on Raw tonight. Talking about Special Appearances, goes the King as No Chance in Hell kicks in. J.R. says we have been anticipating this night when Donald Trump and Vince McMahon are in this vary ring . Vince says he appreciated the hospitality from the crowd and says his guest at this time is the star of The Apprentice on NBC and is one of the most powerful, richest men in all of the world and until recently, a very good friend of Vince s, Donald Trump. Money Money Money loop from the TV show The Apprentice hits and Donald Trump comes out with two escorts (Ho Train style). The Raw banner on the bottom says Donald Trump is Chairmen of Trump Organizations. Vince says he didn t think he would be escorted by two divas and Vince s asks them to leave the ring. Vince says Donald has been a fan of WWE for many years and makes mention that Donald has hosted Wrestlemania 4 and 5 at Trump Plaza. Says Donald has never stood in a WWE ring or beside Vince before and says he is probably intimidated. Vince realizes Donald doesn t have a mic and gets one for him. Donald says he isn t intimidated. Vince says he doesn t appreciate Donald stole You re Fired catchphrase and also says he doesn t appreciate he things the Rosie characters was lame, She is pretty ugly , says Donald. Vince says on McMahon appreciation night he was giving the fans a picture of himself but Donald had to outdo him and give the fans value by dumping money on the audience. Vince says that was embarrassing and Donald says Vince is going to be embarrassed as well as they are going to do it again tonight. Vince says this audience doesn t deserve the cash and Vince says he thought Donald would do it again, so Vince says he had security confiscate the money from Trumps hands . The crowd starts flipping yelling You Suck , as they wanted the money and Donald gestures for them to continue. Vince wants to know why Donald is in the ring and what his business idea is. Crowd breaks into the asshole chant. Vince apologizes to Donald for calling him that but Donald says he things the crowd is 100% right for calling Vince names. Donald says he is at Raw because he is taller than Vince, better looking and he thinks he is stronger than Vince. Donald says he is here to challenge Vince to a match at Wrestlemania 23. You gotta be kidding me, says Jim Ross. Vince laughs and Donald says he is going to kick Vince s ass. Vince says he suffered a split pelvis in Hell in the Cell back in Toronto and Vince says his physician says he should never compete again in the squared circle. Vince says he appreciated the proposal and has a counter proposal. Vince says he will find a handpicked competitor to represent Vince at Wrestlemania and Donald should do the same, with the two of them in each other s corner. Vince extends his hand and Donald says he doesn t like the idea. Donald says he doesn t like it because Vince is a rich guy but he is a richer guy, so Donald says the two will pick representatives and Vince says wait a minute; let s raise the steaks, for some cash. How much, says the King. Vince says he can buy and sell the audience tonight, and then admits Donald has more money. A fan yells He s Scared , You are right, he is , says Donald. Donald says he doesn t care about the cash, and if Vince looses, he will shave Vince s head and if Donald losses, Donald s head is shaved. Vince has that look on his face. Donald says he has heard for a long time that isn t Vince s hair, and then Donald says the same thing; people say it isn t his hair. Sure it is, he bought it , says the King. Donald says he doesn t wear a hairpiece, someday maybe but not now. So Donald says, a hair match, loser gets their head shaved. Vince asks if the crowd wants to see that at Wrestlemania (big pop). Vince says the answer is no. Vince says he won t be embarrassed by Trump; he has something up his sleeve so no. Vince begins to leave the ring, You suck yells the crowd. Donald paces around the ring. Donald says he has known Vince for a long time and he always thought Vince had guts, but says Vince doesn t have guts (Vince gives a face). He says three weeks ago Vince had Donald Trump vs. Rosie O Donnell and Trump says he was angry because the wrestler who portrayed Rosie O Donnell was better looking that how Rosie looks in real life, and Vince doesn t have guts, so Donald says forget the match at Wrestlemania. He called Mr. McMahon gutless , says the King. Vince says he thinks Donald has something up his sleeve, but the match is on exclaims Mr. McMahon. See you in Detroit, Vince says Donald. Jim Ross says two of the richest men in the world just made a deal for Wrestlemania, and they go over that whoever s representative prevails will result in the loser getting their head shaved. This deal could only happen at Wrestlemania 23, the battle of the billionaires and their hair on April 1st . We cut to a Marine DVD promo.


(Commercial Break) A national promo occurs during the break for Monday Night Raw coming to Toronto, tickets on sale February 24th for the May show. It is a historic look at Raw throughout the years, including many of the old logos of the show and present day superstars in the piece.

Wrestlemania 23 promo airs to Saliva Ladies and Gentlemen . Nothing new in this promo, same one that has been on TV for the last few weeks. 48 days until Wrestlemania. Jim Ross and The King breakdown the past segment, saying that McMahon will be in one corner and Donald in the other, in the loser having their hair shaved off. Nitro s music hit and out comes Nitro and Melina, for a mixed tag team match. Bottom of the screen says MNM. Jim Ross talks about how last week both Super Crazy and Mickey James both had wins over these two last week. These two aren t married are they? asks the King. No they aren t, replies Jim Ross. I have had many wives, three of them were my own, says The King. Mickey James and Super Crazy come out to Super Crazy s theme song. Jim Ross goes over the rules, men vs. men and women vs. women. Mickey and Melina start brawling and Super Crazy and Nitro both separate their tag partners

Mixed Tag Team Match
Johnny Nitro and Melina vs. Super Crazy and Mickey James (WWE Women s Champion)
Nitro and Crazy start it off after the women get separated. Nitro gives Crazy a shoulder block and goes off the ropes, with Crazy giving Nitro a sunset flip. Crazy with Nitro in the corner and goes with the 10 punches (not in Mexican). Crazy gets distracted as Melina comes around the ring and attacks James on the apron. Nitro gets the advantaged, snake eyes on Crazy and gets a 2 count. Spinning neck breaker and a leg drop gets Nitro another 2. Nitro shoves Super Crazy into Mickey James and gets a two count. Jim Ross messes that up and says it was Melina but The King corrects him. Nitro buts Super Crazy in a side headlock, but Crazy powers off, until a European uppercut by Nitro. Melina screams her head off and as Nitro throws Crazy off the ropes, Crazy jumps to the top, and does a spinning moonsault. Melina tags in and Crazy grabs Melina so Mickey can come in and start beating on Melina. Lou Thez press by James on Melina. James goes for a DDT, Nitro comes in but Crazy goes in the ring and drop kicks him out. Melina gets out of the ring, the two grab each other s hair, and Melina goes out the ring. With both Melina and Nitro on the outside James and Crazy hit a double baseball slide to the back of Nitro and Melina s heads. James throws in Melina and goes for a Death Valley Driver but Melina grabs James hair, Nitro throws Crazy into the ring post, and Melina winds up knocking out James by grabbing her hair and slamming her hard, holding the tights for a 3 count.
Winner: Johnny Nitro and Melina


We see a replay of what just happened, and then Jim Ross sends us off to a highlight package of the Shawn Michaels/Edge/Randy Orton match from last week. Done to some generic music that has Shawn in all the glory. The package ends showing Cena and HBK vs. Batista and Undertaker, with Jim Ross saying there will be No Way Out on the Road to Wrestlemania 23. Jim Ross then once again goes over the 8 Man Tag for tonight.

(Commercial Break) Commercial for Smackdown on Friday, saying Undertaker and Batista will have to co-exist on Smackdown until No Way Out, but questions if it is going to be lights out for the Champion. Another commercial is an ECW Promo for the Extreme Rules DVD. It shows a bunch of clips from the old ECW as well as the Edge/Foley vs. Funk/Dreamer match from One Night Stand.

A special edition of WWE magazine is coming out, with a forecast on where the current day superstars are going to be in 2007. It s the spring preview edition available tomorrow. Eugene is in the ring, here is a guy who can afford to have his head shaved, says The King. Eugene is playing the face, and has a Ric Flair doll with him. The Great Kalhi music hits and out comes the man weighing over 420 pounds. Jim Ross says with Vince thinking about Wrestlemania, this match must have been made by Jonathan Coachman. Eugene tries to offer the Ric Flair doll as a piece offering.


The Great Kalhi vs. Eugene

Kalhi dominates, throwing Eugene off of him and then nailing him with a big close line. An open handed slap to the skill by Kalhi knocks down Eugene, as Kalhi poses. Kalhi picks up Eugene by the hair with two hands, then double handed choke slam, one foot on Eugene and that is the match.
Winner: The Great Kalhi

I don t think anything can make Kalhi smile, not even a big bottle of Bar-B-Q sauces , says Jim Ross. Show some quick highlights from the match as Kalhi goes up the ramp. Kalhi is the winner, says Jim Ross. Talking about winners, Rowdy Piper is here tonight! says The King. Jim Ross then says that Shawn Michaels will be doing an interview in the next segment (as the picture comes up on the screen).

(Commercial Break) Show a promo for No Way Out, saying that Vince made a match that will never be seen again. Two commercials later it s time for a WWE Slam Jam, tickets go on say March 3rd for Saturday May 26th Raw House show in Ottawa. Tuesday May 29th, Smackdown/ECW tapings, with tickets going on sale February 26th. On March 14th at 3pm Mr. Kennedy will be at WWE Niagara Falls.

HBK is on his cell phone and is talking about ordering a meal, as Maria tries to interview him. HBK cuts into a promo for the new DX DVD. Turns out he is on his cell phone with HHH, and HHH says HBK s promo for the DVD was good. Shawn says Maria wants to know about his thoughts about Mania. First time he was cocky didn t get it done, second time he got ego in check and boyhood dream was realized, third time was his back injury and sucker punched by Tyson It wasn t a good night , fourth time was his return and who knows about his fifth time. Shawn goes into a promo about him and Cena at Mania, the tag match at No Way Out and says everyone in the main event is going to learn that The Main Event, The Shower stopper, The Icon, Mr. Wrestlemania has arrived . Cut to Todd Grisham with Ric Flair and they go and show the Flair promo from last week on Promo. Grisham asks why Flair was upset with Carlito but Carlito interrupts and says Flair owes him an apology, what Flair said last week Wasn t Cool . Carlito says he thought about what Flair said all week and that Carlito thinks Flair is wrong. Flair says Carlito is like half the locker room and they have no guts and no heart. Flair goes into another good promo. Carlito says he will show Flair he has heart and passion, and the way to show it to Flair is to challenge Flair to a match tonight. Flair says Carlito has had his head between his legs for two years, and he just stood up. He accepts Carlito s challenge Whoo , and Carlito takes a bite of his apple as we cut out. Probably the most intense promo Carlito has done on WWE TV to date.


(Commercial Break) WWE 24/7 promo for Beauties and the Beast, the loveliest divas and the most oversized wrestlers.

Jeff Hardy music s kicks in as Jim Ross welcomes us back. Fireworks go off, as the Intercontinental Champion comes down the ramp. What an ovation, says Jim Ross. We go to Jim Ross doing his Skittles promo. Chris Masters music hit, they don t love this guy, says The King. The Masters intro was short. Jim Ross says this match is non-title and that if Masters wins; he becomes the #1 Contender. Masters attacks Hardy before the bell

Non Title Match for the #1 Contenders Spot.
Jeff Hardy vs. Chris Masters
Masters throws Hardy into the ropes, Hardy holds on and Masters goes running after him, and he goes over the top. Hardy jumps over the top landing on Masters and then Hardy throws Masters back in. Hardy sends Masters into the corner, goes for 10 punches but Masters hits an awesome looking Power bomb on Hardy for a two count. We get a replay of it. Masters starts to work on Hardy s lower back, including a big back drop for a 2 count. Masters puts his knee into the back of Hardy s spine (rest hold) and the crowd gets behind Hardy. Hardy hits some elbows to get out of a chin lock, followed by a jaw breaker. Hardy gets some elbows and punches of offense in, followed by a heal kick into Masters. Hardy gets reversed by Masters into the corner, goes up to the top rope but Masters crotches him. Masters puts Hardy into the Masterlock. Hardy climbs the ropes to try to get out but Masters holds onto the Masterlock. Hardy begins to fade, but Jeff tries to power out. Jeff gets his body over the top rope and the ref breaks the hold because Hardy is on the apron and Masters in the ring. Masters goes to Power Slam Hardy back in, but Hardy goes over the top, goes and rolls through and gets the quick three.
Winner: Jeff Hardy.
Masters is upset the ref made him break the hold and Jim Ross puts over the 8 Man Tag as the King puts over the fact that Piper is going to be next! We then cut to a new version of the Don t Try This At Home video.


(Commercial Break) The same promo that previously aired for the ECW Extreme Rules DVD airs again. He ECW Extreme Rules DVD, as well as the One Night Stand DVD and the WWE Armageddon DVD appear to all be available at Wal-Mart.

The King is in the middle of the ring. My guest at this time has overcome a lot in his life, he is a true survivor. He has been shot at, stabbed and if that is not truth that he is tough he has been married to the same women for 24 years. And now thanks to a Doctor here in Portland he has overcome cancer! My next guest has kicked Cancers Ass, you never knew if he was coming from the left or the right, please welcome the WWE Hall of Famer, Portland s Own, Rowdy Roddy Piper! Crowd goes nuts, and Piper comes on stage, looking as if he has put on some weight (but that can only be expected). Has some longer hair than the last time we saw him out in the UK. Jim Ross puts over how great a moment this is. Piper has a black kilt on as The King gives Piper the mic and leaves the Ring. A Roddy chant hits, as the fans stand up and cheer. Piper has a huge smile on his face, appears almost as if he is about to cry. He then starts getting psyched up and yells at the crowd. Its nice to he home! , starts Piper. Piper says unless you have had cancer, you don t know how important those nice wishes, gifts, cards, all mean to Piper. He says WWE Fans are a class act. Piper says Portland is a place of class. Also, speaking of class, Piper wants to recognize every wrestler in the back. No matter what you think of him, they all contacted me one way or another, and those are the most classy men. Even WWE sent me a chocolate bar! And now for my honor to be here, we are talking about class, we are talking about Wrestlemania, we are talking about the first person to be inducted in the Hall of Fame for 2007 . We cut to a Dusty Rhodes promo, for the American Dream (with the old WWF American Dream song starting it off). A great montage, as you come to expect from WWE gets on the screen. It appears as if Dusty Rhodes will be inducted. A lot of non-WWF footage, with Dusty talking about his career in the background. Show footage of Rhodes winning the NWA title. Flair says that Dusty was one of the best wrestlers ever in the business. Triple H says that he was the blue collar man and that is what made people connect with him so much. HHH says he oozed charisma. We then see some polka dots Dusty footage, and we end with Arn Anderson saying congrats to Dusty. We cut back, and Piper introduced Dusty to the crowd. American& Dream! hits from the late 80 s-90 s during his WWF run, Dusty comes down the ramp as The King and Jim Ross go over how great Dusty has been and Piper and Rhodes hug in the middle of the ring. Crowd gives an ovation to Dusty as he takes the mic. A Dusty Chant breaks out. Dusty says he is humbled to be in this building, to be in Mr. Pipers town, to be in the presences of Rowdy Piper. Rhodes says Piper is a celebration of life and starts cutting a promo, rhyming about how good Rowdy Piper is. Vintage Dream, says The King. Rhodes starts to go over his history, like he will at the Hall of Fame, and then Umanga s music hit. Umanga comes out with Armando Estrada. Umanga is in the ring and stares down Piper and Rhodes. Piper and Rhodes look as if they are about to back down and leave, but the crowd is chanting for Piper. Piper gets out of the ring and Dusty starts nailing Umanga, going with his classic Punches, but Umanga stops and starts nailing Rhodes in the throat and then hits the running butt move into Rhodes. Piper grabs a chair and nails Umanga in the back but Umanga no sells. Piper goes to punch Umanga but Umanga hits Piper in the throat followed by the Samoan Spike to Rowdy Pipers throat, and then the same to Dusty Rhodes as well. Crowd is really upset at Umanga as he celebrates with Armando Estrada. I can t believe they just desecrated this moment, says The King. Umanga just spat in the face of every WWE fan in the world, says Jim Ross as we cut to a No Way Out Promo, as Wrestlemania Opponents team up at No Way Out.


(Commercial Break) A Rowdy Roddy Piper DVD promo.

We see a replay of what just happened, with Umanga interfering in the Rhodes/Piper promo. We see Umanga once again give the Samoan Spike to Piper. Carlito s music hits and he is mad as he comes down to the ring with Torrie Willson. Carlito isn t doing any of his normal pre-match stuff and he has his game face on, according to Jim Ross. We again see the promo from earlier tonight between the two. Flair comes out, and Jim Ross puts over how Ric Flair, the former 16 time Champion, is all about passion. They go over the promo, the pep talk from last week.

Carlito Caribbean Cool (with Torrie Willson) vs. Ric Flair
The bell rings and the two tie up, with Carlito taking Flair into the corner and letting him out. Tie up again and Flair gauges the eyes. Carlito gets mad, grabs Flair and gives some shoulder blocks in the corner, but as he plays to the crowd, Flair grabs him and gives some chops. Carlito comes out of the corner, and nails Flair with a back body drop for a 2 count. Carlito, who is all fired up, gives a standing vertical Suplex for a 2. Goes for another pin, hooks both legs, for another 2. Carlito begins to hit Flair. King says like any sport, if you have all the talent and no passion, you wont win. Carlito takes Flair in the corner and starts stomping away on Flair. Carlito gets a 1 count, the two both get up and they exchange chops. Carlito then begins to hit some kicks but Flair turns it around back into some chops, grabbing Carlito s hair in the process. Carlito sends Flair to the ropes but as Carlito goes for a drop kick, Flair stops himself. Flair throws Carlito in the ropes and hits a running reverse elbow. Picks up Carlito (who according to Jim Ross now lives in South Beach) and starts chopping away in the corner, but Flair throws Carlito to the other turnbuckle, hits a drop kick to the back of Flair s back, but as Carlito tries to his the double leg back breaker, Flair holds onto the top turnbuckle, misses and Flair roles him up for the 3 count.
Winner: Ric Flair


Carlito is mad he lost. Flair goes to leave the ring but Carlito, pulls Flair into the ring. Flair puts up his arms ready to wrestle but Carlito goes and extends his hand. Flair thinks for a second, then shakes his hand, appears as if he about to turn heel, but then let s go and leaves the ring. Flair looks on from inside the ring as Torrie Wilson consoles Carlito on his way back up the ramp. The King says Carlito must have just learned a lesson. He then goes and cuts a promo for the 8 Man tag match. We then cut out to footage of the new DX DVD, which is a 3 size set. It appears to be an entirely new DVD (Titled We got 2 more words for ya ), and doesn t acknowledge any of the stables history in the promo.

(Commercial) We get a Smackdown promo for the Tapings on May 29th in London. It then ends off saying See the action of ECW, live . Very weird promo. Now its time for a WWE Slam Jam update, as we are going to be in St. John s on May 12th for a Raw House Show. The super show is May 26th in Barrie for Smackdown/ECW, and May 27th in Kingston. Sunday May 27th the Raw crew will be in Toronto, with Raw the next night on May 28th. Tickets for both Raw shows on sale February 24th.

Nitro and Mercury are in the back in front of the darkened Raw interview set in the back, but Melina can t figure out where her interviewer is, or where the media is, as she wants to talk about her match for the Women s title next week on Raw. We then cut to Todd Grisham who is in a dressing room with Ashley, as they promote the cover of Playboy (which will be debuted on Smackdown on Friday). We cut to a highlight package of Ashley having her photos taken. Grisham says he doesn t know what to say, and Ashley tells him to wait until he see s the magazine. Grisham asks for one word to explain her playboy experience and Ron Simons walks in. Ashley and Ron hug and then Farooq looks into the camera and says, Damn , as he looks over Ashley. We then cut to MVP and Mr. Kennedy putting over Smackdown as Rated RKO walk in. Orton says he and Edge have been looking everywhere for them, and Rated RKO wants to welcome MVP and Mr. Kennedy to the A Show. MVP says the A show is whatever show MVP is on. Kennedy gets into Orton s face, but Edge tries to calm down the troops. Edge says his match is against the haves and the have not s . He says everyone on his team should be in the main event at Wrestlemania, but they aren t. Edge says Kennedy could maybe hit Undertaker with Kennedys mic, maybe MVP can knock out Batista s rib cage, and maybe Cena and HBK just can t make it to Wrestlemania. Edge says all he knows is that anything can happen between now and Wrestlemania. The main event is next.


(Commercial Break) A commercial for the Wrestlemania Revenge Tour with ECW and Smackdown. Bobby Lashley, Batista, King Booker and Chris Benoit are all listed for the May 26th show in Barrie.

A Marine DVD promo airs. We go outside Portland and Jim Ross says the 8 Man tag is next, but first they want to recap the McMahon Trump ANGLE. We see highlights from earlier tonight, where Vince first shoots down the match but then accepts it. Jim Ross says at Wrestlemania at billionaire will be bald, and someone is going to have to join the hair club for men, according ti the King. Power trip by Saliva is the theme song for No Way Out, and Jim Ross and the King put over the main event. Batista s music hits and out comes The Animal, to a moderate ovation. Fireworks go off as Batista does his pose on the top of the ramp. Are you Ready? , as the DX Theme song hits. Shawn and Batista keep to separate sides of the ring as HBK poses in the ring. The two stare each other down, as The King says Shawn wants to be the champion again. Undertakers theme song hits and the crowd gets pretty loud, as Jim Ross and The King go over the Smackdown Main Event for Wrestlemania. Cena comes out with both belts, and they say that tonight (Thursday night) Cena will be on The Late Late Show on CBS at 12:35. Mr. Kennedy s music comes on and he comes out fast, as does MVP. So far this has ate up about 8 minutes of time. MVP and Mr. Kennedy wait at the bottom of the ramp. Rated RKO theme song hits and Orton and Edge come out together, appearing as if they don t have any problems. Jim Ross even makes mention of this. As Rated RKO enters the ring, we cut to commercial, but not before we get a No Way Out promo first.


(Commercial Break)

8 Man Inter-Brand Tag Team Match
John Cena (WWE Champion/WWE Tag Team Champion) , The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels (WWE Tag Team Champion) and Dave Batista (World Heavyweight Champion) vs. Rated RKO (Edge and Randy Orton), Montel Vontavious Porter and Mr. Kennedy
All four guys are just getting onto the ring apron and it appears as if Cena and Orton will start. Orton with some punches to Cena and into the corner they go. Orton goes to throw Cena but Cena a reverses, hits a fishermen s supplex and gets a 2 count. Cena with a hip lock take over and a big elbow drop for another 2. Cena goes to tag out but Orton hits a thumb to the eye, drags Cena to his corner and in comes Kennedy. Kennedy off the ropes but Cena hits a big shoulder block and tags out to the Undertaker. Undertaker knocks Orton off the apron and Undertaker tries to go old school on Kennedy, Kennedy holds onto the top rope but eventually Old School is applied. Undertaker then hits a downward spiral for a 2 count but MVP comes in and Undertaker moves out of the way. Undertaker tags in HBK while Kennedy tags out to MVP. The two go at it, with MVP hitting HBK in the mouth with a reverse elbow. In comes Edge who starts punching away at Shawn, as he gets pumped up. Edge throws Shawn into the corner, goes for the sphere but puts on the breaks. Shawn then hits the enseguri on Edge, as Shawn tries to tag out. Batista tags in, brawls with Edge, and then hot shots Edge into the corner. In comes Orton but Batista knocks him down also. As we head to commercial, Batista gives the thumbs down signal.


(Commercial Break) Raw is on the Wrestlemania Revenge Tour, as we are going to see Edge, Cena and Randy Orton May 26th in Ottawa.

We come back to the action, Batista just got knocked in the face by Edge with a boot, when his head was down, but Batista tags out to Cena and Cena starts to give his offense on Edge, with a side supplex. He tells Orton/Kennedy/MVP to get in the ring as Cena hits the five knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the FU on Edge but Orton grabs a hold of Edge and saves him from the FU. It is considered a tag as Orton comes in and attacks Cena, going for the quick pin but only getting a 2. Cena is getting hammered away at, according to Jim Ross and as Orton goes for a pin The Undertaker makes the save. Cena tries to tag out but Orton holds onto him and tags in MVP. MVP hits a snap mare on Cena and gets a 2 count. MVP has a side headlock (rest hold) as Cena powers out of the move, throwing MVP over his head. MVP tags into Kennedy as Cena can t make the tag, and Kennedy with some fast knees to the spine. A few clubbing punches to the back, followed up by kicks to Cena in the corner. Jim Ross says the two guys from Smackdown are showing a lot of intensity. Kennedy gets a 2 count on Cena as Cena tries to tag out but can t reach anyone. Orton tags himself into the match and hits a standing drop kick on Kennedy. Undertaker is about to come in to make the save so Randy Orton jumps off of the pin fall attempt at 2. Orton takes Cena into the corner and begins to punch away. As Orton goes into the corner, Cena hits a few elbows, but as he comes running out Orton hits a major close line. A We Want Taker chant starts as Edge gets the tag and starts to give a body scissors/head lock to Cena. HBK and Undertaker try to fire up the crowd (overrun starts now). Cena powers out, and Edge throws Cena into the ropes, and both Cena and Edge hit close lines on each other. Both are down as the 10 count starts. I think something really bad is going to happen at No Way Out in the Tag Match, says the King. Orton and Undertaker both tag in, but Undertaker clears house of MVP, Kennedy, Edge and Orton, knocking Edge out of the ring. He begins to close line Orton and MVP in both corners and then snake eyes Kennedy. Orton and MVP both get caught by Undertaker as he wants to go for a double choke slam, they kick him in the gut but he goes and hits a double close line on both. HBK tags himself into the match (Undertaker doesn t like this) and HBK hits a big elbow. He starts to tune up the band when all hell breaks lose. Undertaker is on MVP, Batista on Kennedy, Cena on Edge and Shawn tunes up the band as he wants to nail Orton. Orton gets up and sees Undertaker, turns around but ducks the Super kick. Undertaker, who is behind Orton grabs Shawn s foot. He then grabs Shawn by the throat but MVP comes in and Undertaker grabs him, choke slams him. Orton goes and shoves HBK into the Undertaker, knocking Undertaker out of the ring. All Undertaker sees is HBK and doesn t like it. As Undertaker starts to get back into the ring, Randy Orton comes off the far ropes, but HBK hits Sweet Chin Music and gets the quick 3 count. Undertaker comes up behind Shawn as HBK begins to celebrate, grabs him by the throat and choke slams him. John Cena comes to HBKs aid but then Batista jumps into the ring and begins to attack Cena. Undertaker kicks Cena in the face. Batista picks up John Cena and hits a Batista bomb on Cena. Batista s theme song hits as Undertaker and Batista stand tall, with HBK and Cena both laid out (MVP, Edge, Orton and Edge all on the outside). The Smackdown guys have laid out all of the Raw guys, exclaims The King. The Undertaker and Batista pace in the ring as King tells us There is No Way Out come Sunday as Raw ends.


Thank you and I hope you enjoyed tonight s RAW report. Don t forget to visit The RSHL @ https://www.thershl.com

