Batista's Website Hacked, Snitsky Busted Open, More

Austin sent this: I was at the event in Liberty, New York on Saturday and Snitsky wrestled Hardcore Holly in an extreme rules match. Anyway Snitsky took a vicious chair shot to the head and it drew lots of blood. It drew so much I thought it couldn't be real. I watched ECW last night and there was a big gash in his head. Just thought that was interesting to know for all other fans.


Grant sent this one: I was recently randomly looking at wrestlers websites and I went to Batista's ( and the home page in big white letters it says Turkish hackers were here. There is also a big poem about the Armenians and it says peace at home peace in the world.

Tickets for ECW One Night Stand will go on sale April 7th. Ticket prices will range from $20 to $150. The show is scheduled for June 7th at the Jacksonville Veterans Arena in Jacksonville, FL.

