Foley's Book, SD! Notes, New WM23 Match, More
Mick Foley's third installment of his autobiography, 'The Hardcore Diaries', slipped two places from its last week's placement in the New York Times Best Seller list chart. In its third week on the chart, Foley's 384-page book sits in the eight position after first debuting in the 7th place and then moved to the 6th place a week later. (thanks to Colin Vassallo)
In addition to the Philadelphia and Washington D.C. pre-emptions noted last night, Friday Night Smackdown was also pre-empted in Spokane, Seattle and Portland. All three markets will get a chance to see the episode tonight at 8PM PT.
Before Wrestlemania 23 airs on PPV, WWE will feature a 20 man over the top battle royal dark match.