Former WWE Tag-Team To Debut In TNA Tonight

Christy Hemme's "mystery team" that will be going against the Voodoo Kin Mafia tonight is scheduled to be former WWE stars The Heart Throbs (Antonio Thomas & Romeo Roselli). There were previous rumors that The Basham Brothers were going to be brought in for the role and that is still possible as plans can change at any time.

The Great Muta is in Orlando for the PPV tonight and is scheduled to appear on both the preshow and PPV. Muta isn't scheduled to be wrestling though. reported yesterday that Muta was traveling to the U.S. this week to have a meeting with Jeff Jarrett. That meeting is obviously taking place today.

The subsite for TNA's Lockdown PPV has been opened at The section isn't currently being linked to on the main page of TNA's website. It is interesting to note that Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle are the two main featured stars in the section, suggesting the two may have a match at the PPV. Either way, we will see how things play out tonight at the Destination X PPV. Don't forget, will be providing *live* coverage of Destination X tonight starting at 8:00pm Eastern/7:00pm Central.

