WWE RAW Results (3/26): Austin/Vince, Cena Superkicked!

WWE RAW Results (3/26): Austin/Vince, Cena Superkicked!

Event: WWE Monday Night RAW
Airdate: Monday, March 26th, 2007
Location: The Allstate Arena in Chicago, IL
Results by 411Mania.com

We're in Chicago, Illinois. Hosts are Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler. Smackdown is in Grand Rapids tomorrow.

PROMO TIME ? The Coach

He says that Lashley v Vince McMahon has been changed. It's now a no disqualification match. Any interference will result in a fine/suspension. Before he's done talking out comes STONECOLD STEVE AUSTIN. He mugs for the crowd on all four corners as per usual. Coach looks uneasy. He has a little story for Coach. He says he was drinking beer on his ranch when a delivery truck pulled up and a lot of gifts were on it. They were from Donald Trump. He suggests that Trump is trying to buy Austin off and Coach interjects to say that's his style but Mr McMahon wouldn't do something like that. Austin cuts him off and says he told the delivery driver to take them back to New York but the driver told him they came from Stamford. Austin persuaded the driver to tell him they came from Vince. Austin thinks this is some sort of conspiracy. Coach starts off on the wrong track by telling Austin that no one thinks he's stupid. Austin stares a hole in him and tells him to shut up. Austin says it's grounds for a DQ and he should shave Vince's head right now. Coach says it was him, not Vince that did it, and he apologises saying he had a bad week. Austin says that he'll referee this match with extreme prejudice saying he'll hook Lashley's eye and stomp Umaga's guts if they don't follow his instructions. He warns Coach not to mess with him. Coach says that shaving your head isn't so bad, "bald is beautiful". Austin chuckles then hits the Stunner. Beers follow.

BACKSTAGE Austin heads on out of here but a limo blocks his truck exiting. It's VINCE MCMAHON. He apologises on behalf of his driver but Austin flips him off and drives away. Vince drags his limo driver out of the car and beats him up. "YOU'RE FIIIIIIIRED".


Why doesn't Victoria have a surname? f–king with my format. The title match at Wrestlemania has been made into a lumberjill match. Candice seems to have lost most of her attire. Melina slaps Ashley and bails. Torrie throws her back in as a pre-cursor to the lumberjill match. The Playmates pick off Victoria. Go Daddy! Melina kicks Candice in the back. Candice in the tree of woe for Melina to jump into her ribs. Melina slipped out and her bare nipple was clearly exposed on live TV. We had a forum member who was at RAW send us 2 pics of the exposed nipple and you can find them at the link below. Jllian in to go for a handstand legdrop but that misses. Candice tries for the tag but Jillian cuts her off. Jillian gets kicked off and Ashley gets the hot tag. Headscissor takeover on Torrie and a rana for Victoria. Torrie spears her. Ashley drags Melina in and wails away but Jillan drags her off. Jillian goes for the handspring elbow but Ashley blocks it and hits a victory roll at 3.22 for the win.

Winners: Playmates via pinfall .


ENORMOUS reaction for Punk. It was big before he was announced as being from Chicago but WOW. Kenny jumps Punk before he comes in the ring and crotches him on the ropes for good measure. "CM PUNK" ? Chicago. This is a HUGE reaction. Kenny mounts with punches and pins for 2. Crowd does not like Kenny's early dominance. "CM PUNK" ? Chicago. Chinlock from Kenny. Kenny tries for a suplex but Punk knees out of it and hits a leaping calf kick. Knees in the corner and a kick to the neck. Springboard diving lariat. Crowd is JACKED here. BIG knee in the corner and the bulldog gets 2. GO 2 SLEEP! Kenny is dead at 3.56.

Winner: CM Punk via pinfall . WOW, what a crowd reaction.

BACKSTAGE Edge applauds. He's on the Titantron. He tells Punk he won't win at Wrestlemania. He's dusting off the Cutting Edge and inviting everyone in MITB #3 to be on it?NEXT!

CUTTING EDGE ? Money in the Bank participants

Everyone is out here; Edge, Booker, Orton, Finlay, both Hardyz, Kennedy and Punk. The MITB briefcase hangs over the ring. Edge reminds us how he won the first MITB and went on to win the title. He also says he won ladder matches at three previous Wrestlemanias and has never lost at Mania. He starts with Matt Hardy. He's shocked Matt is even there. He says he'll be in Edge's face. He reminds him he has ladder match experience and he'll be aiming to beat him so bad "he'll end up lying on his back?like your ex-girlfriend". Edge takes offence. He moves on to King Booker. He says some of these guys have won a few titles before but none were as successful as King Bookah! He goes to call everyone peasants but Finlay snatches the mic off him and says he's sick of this verbal diarrhoea. Orton is in his face so Finlay calls him "chisel chin". Orton gets the mic and accuses Edge of ducking matches?like every single one in the past month. Kennedy chips in saying Edge doesn't want a fight tonight but everyone should step aside and let Mr Kennedy win. Edge won't let him repeat his name. We move to Jeff Hardy. Girly pop! Edge mocks his little dance. Jeff grabs the mic and says this is his first Wrestlemania in four years. He wants to steal the entire show, like he always does in ladder matches. Even if it involves going through his own brother. He'll do what he has to do. Finally we get CM Punk and the crowd are already chanting his name again. Edge mocks his style of promos by saying he's addicted to sex, violence and championship gold. Punk says Edge is addicted to running his mouth, which leads to big brawl but Edge bails out and the others fight instead. Edge finds this situation rather amusing. Being the official babyfaces the Hardyz and Punk clean the ring out and then chase after Edge.


No DQ. Not for the ECW title either. Vince wants the mic before the match. He says he won't embarrass Lashley with his technical expertise but he'll be pinning him 1-2-3. Vince bails to start and in runs CADE & MURDOCH. Lashley makes short work of them. Belly to belly on Cade. Murdoch with a big boot but Lashley lariats him. Cade is clotheslined out but in comes CHRIS MASTERS. He goes for the Masterlock but can't even get it on. Half nelson slam. In comes JOHNNY NITRO. He can't even Irish whip Lashley before being pressed. Masters is thrown out. Running powerslam for Nitro. Now it's UMAGA and business is about to pick up. A brawl ensues. Lashley wails away but in comes Vince to kick him in the balls. He shoves Lashley into the Samoan Drop. Vince with the pin for 3 at 2.28. He looked like he kicked out.

Winner: Vince McMahon via pinfall .

POST MATCH Umaga continues the assault in an attempt to leave Lashley hurt for Wrestlemania. Butt avalanche. Make that two. Samoan Spike. Vince covers again and the ref counts to three again. This time there's no screw up and Lashley stays down. My guess is that finish will be the one shown in replays. Vince let's Umaga have one more. Samoan Spike. The replay of the finish shows Lashley blatantly kick out although Vince's arm does cover where the shoulder comes up.


No micwork from Kennedy again. Matt starts fast and yodelling elbow drops Orton for 2. Jeff in with a slingshot dropkick for 2. Kennedy gets in there though and puts a beating on Jeff. Kennedy mocks Jeff's dancing but Jeff takes him over with a headscissors. Kennedy comes back and throws him under the ropes. Jeff gets picked off and beaten down on the floor while Matt is provoked into entering the ring. Orton in with the chinlock. That's it from him so Kennedy comes back in to work Jeff's back. Jeff with the Whisper in the Wind. Orton cuts off the hot tag. Jeff mule kicks him and Matt gets the tag. He hits a bunch of clotheslines/punches. Bulldog/lariat combo on the heels. Side Effect for Kennedy. One for Orton too gets 2. He calls for the Twist of Fate but Kennedy stops it. Jeff in and they hit Poetry on Motion but Kennedy bails on it. Matt is left open for the RKO and that's the pin at 4.25.

Winners: Orton & Kennedy via pinfall

HALL OF FAME 2007: Rhodes, Hennig, Bockwinkel, Lawler, Fuji, Sheik, Wild Samoans and the final inductee is JIM ROSS. Everyone puts him over. Rock compares him to John Madden. Foley talks about how "as God is my witness he is broken in half" is the greatest sports call, ever. Benoit talks about Ross' announcing coming from the heart. HHH says he'd rather JR announce his matches rather than anyone else. Cole says there's no one as good. Flair says JR isn't good?he's great. HHH says Ross is as good as Gordon Solie ever was. He seems touched by the standing ovation that follows the announcement.


Flair chops away but Khali takes over easily. He goes to put Flair through the ring steps but CARLITO runs out for the save and the DQ at 0.58.

Winner: Great Khali via DQ

POST MATCH: Carlito gets the chokebomb but then KANE is out here with the hook on a chain. Khali doesn't run off this time and headbutts Kane but Kane fires back and the crowd goes wild. He gets the hook but Khali bails this time and heads into the crowd.

* "The Condemned" movie highlights aired.
* They ran down the Wrestlemania card.

* Backstage, HBK cut a promo. HBK said he is walking out of Wrestlemania the world champion. He finishes his promo by saying he has Cena's back.

(6) John Cena and HBK vs. Undertaker and Batista. Undertaker tossed HBK onto Batista, and walked away from the ring leaving a 2 on 1. HBK dropped the elbow from the top rope. Michaels hit sweet chin music on Cena as they double team Batista. Batista covered Cena for the victory. HBK gives Cena the DX chomps, and walks away.

* JR said we are taking a break, and we'll be back after the final commercial break.

* After the break, they review the HBK sweet chin music on Cena. Show over.

