Backstage News On Carlito & Ric Flair Inside

Source: PWTorch Newsletter

Both Carlito and Ric Flair were kept of the WrestleMania PPV. They did, however, have a dark match before the PPV went live. Flair is said to have been more diplomatic about it. He did speak out to a few chosen WWE officials that have power and influence.


Carlito was interviewed by the Edmonton Starr and had the following to say, "I'm not going to cry or be bitter, there's always next year... and I don't want to get fired. But they're showing disrespect by not having Ric Flair at WrestleMania and even more disrespect by not having Carlito there." He also added, "I absolutely hate being a babyface more than anything else."

Those statements Carlito made have put him further in the doghouse. He's obviously not happy these days.

