Big Update On WSX, Triple H/MTV, More

The latest word out of MTV is that the network has no plans to air the 10th and final episode of Wrestling Society X, meaning the series is over and all contracted talent is now free to sign elsewhere. Colt Cabana (Matt Classic in WSX) was on a short term deal and has already signed a new developmental deal with WWE. WSX is still airing on MTV in many international markets, but the network has no plans to continue on with the show once those episodes finish airing.

Advertisement has an article up looking at legendary artists who have never had a #1 album on the Billboard Charts. The following was written for the band Motorhead. "Mot?rhead: OK, while this one doesn't exactly fall into the "shocking" category, we'd like to state for the record that it's a crime of monumental proportions that Lemmy and his mates have not had a #1 album on the Billboard chart (though 1991's 1916 did reach #142). In fact, Mr. Kilminster's biggest chart success came in 2001, when WWF: The Music, Vol. 5 ? featuring Mot?rhead's "The Game," which wrestler Triple H used as his entrance music ? sold 176,000 copies and debuted at #2, proving once again that you should never doubt the broad cross-market appeal of Hunter Hearst Helmsley."


