Cena Note, WrestleMania 23, Sharmell, & More News
John Cena will be appearing on MTV's Punk'd on 4/10 at 9PM ET.
The WrestleMania Battle of the Billionaires got a brief mention in the latest issue of Time Magazine. The blurb reads..."After winning a proxy wrestling match, Donald Trump shaved opponent Vince McMahon's head, per their wager. Most viewers would have preferred the opposite outcome, among them 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, who gave Trump a 'stunner.' Gossip site TMZ speaks for all of us: 'One can only hope that this begins a flurry of celeb feud shave-offs."
Fansite Sharmell.net recently conducted a brief interview with Sharmell.
Marcus Bagwell has announced that he will be reforming the American Males with Scotty Riggs as well as Vicious and Delicious with Scott Norton, presumably on the indy circuit.