JR's WWE Contract, ECW Notes, HOF Edited, More

Jim Ross's contract with WWE will be expiring this fall. There is still talk of replacing Jim Ross with Michael Cole on the RAW announce team despite his recent induction into the Hall of Fame.

It's being said that Fox 8 has scheduled an additional screening of ECW, airing Thursday, April 12th at 3:30pm and then again airs on Saturday afternoons after the RAW replay at 2pm on Fox 8. Australia now for the first time airs ECW prior to Smackdown! as opposed to its initial first airing on Saturday.

This year's Hall of Fame ceremony that took place at the Fox Theater in Detroit was heavily edited and lasted three hours. Around 4,000 people attended the event. Many chants of "wife beater" were directed at Steve Austin, and also "colon cancer is a slobber knocker" towards Jim Ross.

