Live News & Notes From Last Night's WWE Backlash


Thanks to Brandon K. Mitcham for the following:

Quick Live Notes from Backlash

Ric Flair got a monster pop coming out before the dark match.

Dark match was Carlito vs. Nitro. Really fun match and Carlito picked up the win.


Place was legit sold out. Crowd was really live all night.

Big pop for the Hardy's coming out/ Crowd was pretty into the match and huge pop for the finish.

Mickie James/Melina was kinda dull live. Seemed rather sloppy and crowd was pretty dead for that one.

Huge pop for Kennedy interrupting Edge promo. Seems like he could be a big time face someday.

MVP/Benoit was really good. Crowd was way into Benoit and popped big for the finish.

Cena's homophobic rant drew tons of groans and boos. Crowd did pop for Ron and the Damn.

ECW match was OK for what it was. Lashley was WAY over. Crowd was into all of his offense. Oddly there was very little heat for the title change. Some good laughs with Vince acting like a goof. Seems like the celebration went on forever while they were waiting for some response and it never really came.


Undertaker entrance was awesome as always. Crowd really loves him. Batista got decent heel heat. Match started slowly and then really took off. On a side note, they built the gimmicked platform during the show. It really took away from the coolness of the finishing spot. Crowd didn't like the non-finish and there was a few bullsh*t chants. Batista got a nice pop once he emerged from the wreckage.

Man, Atlanta really hates Cena. Don't get me wrong, there was a lot of kids there cheering for him but everyone else really hates him. Nice response for HBK but nothing special. No real response for Orton and just a little for Edge. Pretty dull match for a while, felt like a three way because of all the stalling outside the ring. Cena, Orton and Edge had to wait forever for the moonsault by HBK, really goofy to see live. Match started to pick up and several nice false finishes. Crowd seemed really confused by the finish and cleared out rather quickly.

Overall, nice show live. I wonder how it came off on PPV as the crowd was really hot for most the night.

1. Undertaker
2. Benoit
3. Ric Flair
4. Cena
5. Lashley

Heel Heat
1. Cena
2. JBL
3. Batista (before the finish)
4. Edge

