Lots Of Backstage News From WrestleMania 23

WWE teams with iTunes to release the latest compilation of Superstar entrance themes?WWE The Music Vol. 7. It features Ashley's theme.

The top Elijah Burke wore at WrestleMania was actually one of Ariel's tops from her old pirate gimmick.

Steve Austin is on the cover of the latest issue of WWE Magazine. Also, Kristal, Maryse and Victoria are featured in the sex chat feature.

Apparently the jabroni that ran into the ring before the Shawn Michaels-John Cena match at Wrestlemania had been bragging that he was going to do it before the show started.

More than 80,000 fans attended 'Mania at Ford Field.

It took 300 workers working a week to set up Ford Field for Wrestlemania. The set had been worked on since October of last year. The RAW set usually takes 100 workers working 14 hours to set it up.

At the Wrestlemania press conference, Donald Trump and Vince McMahon stated that they were donating their Wrestlemania pay offs to charity. McMahon said their combined pay offs would exceed $5 million.

