**SPOILERS** - WWE RAW Results For Tonight

James Erskine of PWInsider.com sent in these results:

WWE is at Earls Court


*Todd Grisham is doing his best to warm up a noisy and full arena. We have heard eleven and a half thousand fans (a sellout) in attendance.


Ric Flair does a promo, thanking us for our presence and says the WWE loves London.

Mickie James defeats Victoria to not much reaction.

Next up is Chris Masters vs. Val Venis, who comes out to almost no reaction despite my best efforts. Masters wins in an OK bout. Venis asks for a rematch right there and gets it, winning. Not sure how it will air on Heat.


RAW starts with a Shane McMahon promo. He runs over last week and Lashley and the Intercontinental belt. He then – because its St. George's Day – offers a No DQ match to anyone in the audience. From the back comes Robbie Brookside from Liverpool. Shane wrestles for a bit and does the trash can Van Terminator. Shane then announces it is a handicap match and his tag team partner is Umaga, who continues beating Robbie (Robbie is from FWA, by the way.) Umaga goes off the top rope with the splash. Shane then announces it is not a two-on-one handicap match after all. It is a three-on-one, and Vince McMahon comes out to get the pin.


Tomorrow night on ECW is Lashley vs. Umaga.

From the video package they just showed, I think the audience may be 50/50 for Cena and Michaels.

Matt Hardy – big pop – vs. Trevor Murdoch. "Let's Go Hardy" chant! Hardy loses to Trevor after his power bomb. He and Cade celebrate outside the ring.

They just promo'd Randy Orton vs. Edge. Surely that ain't going to happen.

Melina out next. Now Todd Grisham introduces Maria. Non-title match. Maria loses in no more than three minutes.

Carlito and Flair in a short promo. They are next.

The Great Khali comes out, they won't even show his entrance on television. He is up against Carlito. Some small cheers for Khali. Big pop for Carlito. Carlito loses in a few minutes. No major offense from him. Rumors in the row in front of us about Carlito being fired. Flair comes out to offer help, but Carlito refuses, Flair leaves a little down.

Mick Foley promo. He is in the back and does a cheap pop, then Edge interrupts the promo and thanks Mick for the kid's choice of main event at Backlash. Edge talks about how he is looking forward to Cena-Michaels. Seems weird that he is here for just a backstage bit. Also, no mention of the fight previously plugged on the Titantron – Edge vs. Randy Orton.


Michaels and Cena promo backstage. Cena points out the crowd respects Shawn and so does he. Shawn comes out for a the main event and gets a few boos. Cena gets loads of boos.

Obviously, the Randy-Edge graphic was an error, but they have not explained why Randy isn't on the show.

Crowd fifty-fifty in boos, Cena, it has to be said, is being cheered more. Very slow paced match. Almost losing an "up for it" crowd. Back and forth, real long match. HBK in control for a long spell and throws Cena into the ring post. Michaels missed a superkick. Cena finally hit the FU, but Michaels kicked out. Cena then threw Michaels to the floor to loud boos. HBK kicked out of a leg drop from the top rope. Match has gone past a half hour now, and is getting better all the time. Shawn goes for piledriver on the outside steps, but it gets reversed.

Michaels pins Cena after a missed FU and a super kick.

No run ins. Better part of an hour and the row behind us says it was better than the Wrestlemania match. Possibly the TV match of the year. Michaels picks up the belt, holds it up to Cena's face and holds it in the air (note, this was a non-title match). Crotch chops and that's it. Raw is over.

After cameras stop, HBK leaves to cheers and Cena leaves after some time and gets more boos and some clapping.


