Benoit Story Breaks Website Records, Fragile X Breakthrough
Source: PWTorch Hotline
Wade Keller is reporting that some good may have came out of the Benoit tragedy in regards to the media's interest in covering Pro Wrestling. With increased technology over analyzing web traffic, two undisclosed major worldwide news websites revealed that over half of their daily hits were for the Benoit tragedy and that their forums were swamped with Benoit related topics. This has opened their eyes to wrestling's popularity and Wade goes as far as to say journalists may become a lot more consistent in covering it.
One of the many factors contributing to Chris Benoit's poor mental state around the time of the murders was the stress caused by his son's Fragile X syndrome. Although hard to analyze this quite feasibly could be one of the things that tipped his marriage and himself over the edge.
One upsetting thing is that over the past few days a breakthrough in the treatment of Fragile X has been revealed and could have totally changed Benoit's outlook. We'll never know.