CNN's Anderson Cooper: "Wrestler Dead: A Deadly Game?", More

CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 featured a segment called "Wrestler Dead: A Deadly Game?" on Chris Benoit and the "dark side" of professional wrestling. Brian "Grandmaster Sexay" Lawler was speaking on the show, saying that the whole wrestling world is really close knit and everyone is effected by this incident. Cooper said that despite the dark side of the business, it is a very lucrative one with WWE bringing in over $400 million in revenues for 2006 and over 20 million people every week watching wrestling around the world.

The Benoit story is also the #1 story on right now. It shows neighbors speaking on how they never really saw Chris out and about in the neighborhood, although that can be expected since the WWE travel schedule can have him on the road around 300 days a year.

