Eric Bischoff Comments On The Benoit Tragedy
The following was posted on Eric Bischoff's official website:
I can not begin to articulate my feelings about the tragedy in the Benoit family. It is something I am really struggling to comprehend.
I heard the news late Monday afternoon just as I was sitting down in a business meeting in Pittsburgh, I sat stunned as I listned to DDP on the other end of the phone, trying to tell me what happened. My meeting went very late into the evening and there was little new information when I went to bed.
My phone rang at 7am on Tues and the caller ID revealed a 404 area code. Assuming it was someone that I used to work with in the area, I answered the phone. It was a local sports/talk show in the Atlanta area and they wanted to get my comments. I hesitated, but since the radio personality was a friend of a friend, I decided to go ahead.
The questions started out ok...what one would normally expect in a situation like this. However they quickly turned into a "who's to blame" line of questioning and went down hill from there.
It's really impossible anymore to be honest about something as tragic and emotionally charged as this issue without sounding like I have some kind of "hidden agenda". Its clear that the media wants to blame steroids, professional wrestling, Vince McMahon, or anyone or anything else that further sensationalizes this family tragedy.
I refuse to join the choir.
I don't have enough information. I wasn't there. I am not a psychiatrist. I just can't imagine how or why this could have happened.
God bless Nancy and Daniel. God forgive Chris Benoit.