JR Speaks On Pycho Sid Returning To WWE, SNME, More

Jim Ross has updated his blog at www.jrsbarbq.com today. In this edition he talks about Raw, The Sopranos,SNME and more. Here are a few things he had to say:

On the ending of The Sopranos

I did not "hate" the ending of The Sopranos as many devotees did but I was honestly expecting more fireworks. The bottom line is that The Sopranos is a fictional TV show produced for entertainment purposes and I was entertained by the final episode and have enjoyed each of the 84 episodes, I think that's an accurate number, that have aired on TV. The Sopranos will always be one of my all time favorite TV shows, but I wonder how great the series would have been if they had to produce 51 episodes a year as is done with Monday Night Raw, etc. I will miss Tony and the fellas and I am grateful for the creativity of David Chase who made his creation, The Sopranos, must see TV in the Ross household. I know that virtually everyone I encountered in Wilkes Barre at the arena was talking about the controversial ending of the HBO series. It was the talk of catering Monday afternoon so, like it or not, it must have worked to some degree.

On the next Saturday Night Main Event

It looks like another Saturday Night's Main Event is on tap for later in the summer. I read where it was further proof that Michael Cole is the "long term" answer to the WWE's announcing plans seeing as though Cole worked with King at the last SNME which again I find laughable. The SNME was taped prior to the Raw broadcast and we all agreed that for me to do heavy duty play by play on a 90 minute show followed by another 2 hour show would not be great on my pipes and I did not want to end up sounding as I did after Wrestlemania 23 when my voice went to hell in Dayton. The decision for me to not be a part of the SNME was not made until the day of the taping and for the reason I mentioned. However, common sense would dictate that Michael Cole, who I think is tribally underrated and underappreciated by many, is obviously a younger man than yours truly and will probably be around longer than me, simply due to our birth years. However, these "future changes" are a long time coming, in my view which I think are shared by those that matter in the WWE as well. Nonetheless the prediction and reporting of my professional demise is very premature and is not accurate unless reporting the obvious that Michael Cole is a younger man than "J.R." is considered a story. By the way I don't use a "walker" to get to the ring, nor do I live in an assisted living home ala "Uncle Junior" and I have plenty of P&V left in my tank to carry my share of the water? thank you very much.

To read his full blog where he also talks about the draft, go to:


