Lots More Vince 'Death' Coverage, RAW, ECW, & More

There is still tons of media coverage about the Mr. McMahon "death" angle on Monday Night Raw this past week and it's not just within the United States. There is also coverage overseas in the UK and Australia.

Carl Bennington passed on a TimesLeader.com article.

Komic69 passed on an article from The Sun (UK) at thesun.co.uk

David Gough passed on this video coverage from NineMSN in Australia: click here

Speaking of Australia, Pozman sent this in: Just thought you would like to know that RAW was still only a two hour time slot in Australia. There were less adds which was good however some matches were edited heavily, in particular the Snitsky / Miz match which I suppose in a strange way isnt a bad thing.

The 6/12 edition of ECW on Sci Fi drew a final 1.7 cable rating. This is way up from last week's 1.4 rating and a lot higher than what the show has been averaging lately. This big ratings jump was likely due to the fallout of the Mr. McMahon death angle the night before on Raw.

