Radio Station Reports Vince McMahon Is Really Dead
Ken Curige passed along the following report to
In a "wow, I don't believe some people are fooled" moment, I was driving to work this morning and a local Connecticut radio station ( Kiss 95.7 ) was doing their daily "Hollywood Report" segment.
Basically the segment is a gossip page speaking about what's going on in Hollywood. This morning the segment reported the following, "In a scary moment, on live TV last night, Vince McMahon, the President of Stamford based WWE was killed when his limousine exploded on live TV. I would assume an investigation is in the works, but we'd like to send our condolences to his family and friends."
They then spoke for a minute or so about how that clip will probably become internet banter on sites like YouTube and whatnot, and they even spoke about "that wrestler who fell a few years ago", I can only assume they meant Owen Hart.
At first I thought it was tongue in cheek, but amazingly enough they were actually serious, which is scary.
I'm not sure if other places are reporting it as well, but I've been asked several times at work thus far today about "What happened to Vince last night?", all by non-wrestling fans.
If this is the publicity they want, I guess they're getting it, but why they'd want that kind of publicity is beyond me.