A Big Linda McMahon Disappointment, Benoit Update

During "The O'Reilly Factor" earlier tonight with host Bill O'Reilly on Fox News, they promoted a "hard-hitting" interview with WWE's Linda McMahon.

Well, this "hard-hitting" interview turned out to be an old interview the show did with McMahon back in 2002. The piece focused on the influence of pro wrestling on young children and included footage of backyard wrestling.


Nothing regarding the Benoit case was addressed in the piece that aired. It simply showed O'Reilly saying he would never let his kids watch pro wrestling and felt that WWE was responsible for the product it put out on television.

O'Reilly finished the segment saying not only did the WWE have to live with influencing young children, but now they have the Benoit tragedy on their hands as well.

Penny Bordeau-Durham, the widow of Mike "Johnny Grudge" Durham, confirmed earlier this evening on 'Nancy Grace' that there was an empty pill bottle discovered by her late husband's body. Durham stated that they have two young boys, ages nine and five. Bordeau-Durham said taking steroids made her husband feel "invincible." She confirmed that her husband took steroids for years. "The roid rages were unbelievable," said Bordeau-Durham. "He came after me with a butcher knife," said Bordeau-Durham during a roid rage incident. Apparently Grudge was taking 70 or more pills a day. Bordeau-Durham said she begged doctors not to prescribe her husband pain killers. She said she received the autopsy report six months after his death.


Also during 'Nancy Grace,' it was reported that federal prosecutors will seek a superseding indictment from a grand jury against Benoit's doctor, Phil Astin.

When she talked to investigators, they said "they needed more," said Bordeau-Durham. "Broke, with a funeral bill," said Bordeau-Durham of how Durham left her financially. Bordeau-Durham said she is now living with her mother. Grace said "Johnny Grudge" did construction work when he was able to. She said "Grudge" tried to detox on his own. She said her five year old asked if they could go to heaven to visit his father. She said in his WCW days, he would get bottles without labels on them.

A defense attorney said Dr. Astin could be sued in a wrongful death civil suit if it is determined that Astin improperly prescribed medication.

"Greedy, Evil, Devil," said Graham of Dr. Astin. Graham said Astin is a "monster." Graham said it was too bad that WCW didn't provide health insurance to Grudge. Graham talked about all the years of steroids that have caused him to loss four inches in height, hip replacement, bone damage, and he ended up sterile. Graham said his wife wanted a family a ten, but he couldn't give her one child.

