Lots & Lots Of Chris Benoit Notes Inside

I went to a Music World here in Ontario a couple days after the Benoit verdict from the media hit the airwaves. I couldn't find the Hard Knocks DVD set anywhere, so I asked the manager, a friend of mine. He said the DVDs were being pulled from most of the Canadian outlets where they were sold, and had already been pulled from that specific store. I've checked several other stores in the area, can't find any of the sets. Before people were told Benoit actually murdered his family before offing himself, the DVDs were curiously very cheap here, going down from 35 bucks to just over 22 just days before they were pulled from shelves. [Thanks to Paul]


I read that people are sending in news on how Benoit stuff are selling, well here in Hamilton Ontario all DVDs, videos and action figures were pulled the day it was told he killed his family. To make it worse, a no named store that sells bootlegged videos had his Hard Knocks DVD selling for $49.99, I asked why so high {to see if they knew} and they said because he's dead. [Thanks to Shayne Ritter]

Chris Benoit is still on WWE.com in the Archives section of RAW and SmackDown. If you look through the pictures and videos of past episodes he is all over the place. [Thanks to Tyler Robinson]

On WWE.com, they have a survey up to hype JR's Family BBQ. The question is which item would you like to see on the menu and one of the choices is "crossface chicken wings." Seems odd to have that particular ref on there at a time when they are trying so hard to eliminate all mention of anything to do with Benoit. [Thanks to Jas N Smith]


I just thought you should know that Benoit can still be seen in the WWE SummerSlam commercial performing a diving head butt in red tights. [Thanks to Sean Lawrence]

More on Benoit is coming tomorrow including my story on how we went swimming with his son before killing him. This was after he killed his wife.

