Lots Of News: JBL, Burke, ECW, Vince, Tons More

JBL has updated his blog at WWE.com. Bradshaw says he will return in a month or so with a huge announcement. No word on what that will be, but it could possibly be some sort of return to the ring. JBL also says he will be on Bulls and Bears this Saturday morning on Fox News Channel discussing the poverty plans of presidential candidates John Edwards and Barack Obama.


Elijah Burke has also updated his blog at ECW.com. Elijah says that no matter whats happened in ECW recently, he will take his New Breed back to the top of ECW. Is there still even a New Breed?

I just wanted to let you know some strange thing I saw at WWE Programming. Here in Mexico, ECW is broadcasted with a delay of 4 weeks in the FX Latin America Channel. RAW and SmackDown are broadcasted on Saturday and Sunday respectively. Yesterday, the ECW episode heavily involved Chris Benoit. (it was the show after "Vince's Death"). I thought Benoit's participation was going to be cut. But to my surprise none of Benoit's involvement was cut. They showed the whole match, and no reference to him was cut. [Thanks to Mike Trueba]


At the baseball game when the Yankees took on The Devils, they played the Big Shows theme song, Ladies and Gentleman and Batista, I walk alone. [Thanks to MC]

I'm from Portland Maine and WWE Smackdown/ECW (The Biggest Party Of The Summer Tour) is coming to town and the matches that are advertised are Matt Hardy vs. MVP for the US Title, Batista vs. The Great Khali for the World Title and John Morrison vs. Tommy Dreamer for the ECW World Title. They are also advertising Kane, Chris Masters, Finlay & Mark Henry. [Thanks to Michael Joys]

Lance Storm Responds With Rage At Marc Mero After He Appeared On Glen Beck's Show On CNN. Below is a paragraph from his website stormwrestling.com. "The comment that Marc made that got under my skin was his response to Glen Beck, when he asked what Marc was on when he was in WWE (actually Beck kept calling him Mike, but I'll let that slide). Marc responded (I don't have an exact quote but this should be damn close). "Mainly pain killers, because you had to, to make all the towns and deal with the punishment you inflicted on your body." BULLs–t!!!!! "Had to" is a F—ing excuse used all the time by guys on drugs. Marc also talked about taking steroids because he "HAD" to, to compete and get a job. Well you know what Marc, I didn't f—ing have to. I didn't take Steroids, or pain pills to work. EVER!!!! I respect the fact that you are trying to do a good thing here but you are doing your cause a disservice by not admitting you were part of the damn problem. You are spewing the same bulls–t excuses that the boys have been spewing for years, and it is this cop out bulls–t excuse of "HAVING" to do it to deal with pain or get ahead, that perpetuates the very drug problems you are trying to stop."


