"Roid-Rage" Ruled Out By Steroid Abuse Official

Dr. Chuck Yesalis, a professor at Penn State University, who is regarded as one of the nation's foremost authorities on steroids is quoted in an article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution today saying that he is inclined to rule out "roid-rage".


He cited this decision on the fact that Chris Benoit sedated his son Daniel before killing him, Yesalis said "None of that rings true with steroids. I think he was just a very troubled soul."

The "roid-rage" media frenzy continued last night as much of the main stream media basically ignored what the medical examiner said yesterday at the press conference announcing the toxicology reports. The examiner said that no illegal steroids were found in his system, and that the testosterone found in his urine were consistent with treatment for testicular deficiency.

To read the full article, click here

Source: 1wrestling.com

