WWE Signs Teddy Hart To Developmental Contract

WWE has signed controversial indy star Teddy Hart, 27, to a developmental contract. Hart has already reported to Florida Championship Wrestling in Tampa, Florida. Hart recently moved down to Tampa in hopes of landing a developmental contract with WWE. Looks like the move paid off.


In 1998, Hart became the youngest person ever signed to a WWE developmental contract, and was sent to train with Dory Funk, Jr. at the "Funkin' Dojo". He was later released by WWE because of "attitude" problems.

In January of this year, WWE was reportedly looking to sign Teddy Hart and have him form the New Hart Foundation with Harry Smith, T.J. Wilson, and Nattie Neidhart, who have already been signed to deals. Neidhart and Smith are his cousins and Wilson is a long-time friend and opponent of Hart.

