WWE Wins The 2007 Gold Mark Award
Press Release:
WWE Takes Home 2007 Gold Mark Award
World Wrestling Entertainment has been awarded a 2007 CTAM Gold Mark Award for their Affiliate Transition "Single Point of Contact" Marketing Communications Campaign. WWE saw stiff competition within their category at this year's CTAM Summit in Washington, D.C., as the four nominees also included HBO and GSN.
The campaign was designed to communicate to the industry in an efficient and expeditious manner that WWE was bringing all affiliate initiatives in-house, as they transitioned away from third-party vendors. The campaign's distinct call-to-action asked affiliates to register with the company, and utilized a multitude of tactics including a trade campaign, email blasts, tele-messaging, web banners and direct mail.
The Mark Awards competition is a member service of the Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing, and recognizes outstanding achievement and excellence in marketing from networks, cable companies, and suppliers. Nearly 1000 entries are judged annually. This year's award is the first Gold Mark Award for WWE.
Source: 1wrestling.com