Lots Of News: 'Taker/WWE, SSlam, HHH's Return, Carlito, Bret Hart

WWE.com has photos up from last Saturday's special event at Venice Beach, California promoting SummerSlam this Sunday.

There is also a "Greatest SummerSlam Moments" countdown up on WWE.com.

gutterhippo sent word that the Comcast website is also promoting the return of The Undertaker for the Unforgiven PPV on Sunday, September 16.

The following is from Martin Wookey: WWE must be hoping to get a good buyrate for SummerSlam this Sunday, they've been advertising Triple H's return (playing his Motorhead theme in the background) all over several radio stations, across the UK.

The following is from Adam Kelly: Carlito will be the Guest Editor on top viral video website, Break.com for all of today. He will be personally posting the videos of his choice on the homepage under the username WWECarlito. The account features an avatar of Carlito, which has made its first post by one of Break.com's own staff, advertising his Guest Editor appearance and WWE SummerSlam itself, with the King of Kings Triple H return video package being featured on the homepage at the moment.

My name is Jared Russo and I have some info for you. Earlier today i was watching Bret Hart's WWE Hall of Fame inductee package on WWE.comand during the videothey had commentary from Chris Benoit. I was very surprised that they didn't edit that out. Just thought I would let you know.

