SummerSlam **SPOILER**?, D-X, Linda McMahon, More

XtremeFalls43 sent this in: I was flipping the channels (Thursday) night and CNBC had an interview up with Linda McMahon over the 2nd Quarter results for this year. I missed a majority of it but I caught a very interesting part when asked if the Benoit Tragedy and House Shows effect the ratings. She claimed no but said the recent lower ratings had to do with the story arc being unfinished obviously referring to the Vince McMahon death angle. I found it interesting that they think the reason for the lower ratings is the Vince McMahon Death angle not finishing.

Tickets for WrestleMania 24 in Orlando, Florida are scheduled to go on sale on Saturday, November 3.

Bobby Strouss sent this in: I entered the WWE Biggest Fan Contest and I was over on the site today. What they were showing was a promotional commercial for SummerSlam. They talked about how there can only be one king. Then, they continue on, and say that it will be King Booker vs. "King of Kings" Triple H, to determine who is really the "King of Kings."

Carolhamlin8 sent this in: I just wanted to point out that on one of The Dark Knight's promotional websites (new Batman film),, they have a bunch of clowns you can click on and look at their picture. On one of the clowns, (Serial Bill) he is clearly wearing a DX T-Shirt.

