TNA's Drug Policy, Rhino's Chair Throwing Incident, & More
TNA doesn't have a drug policy, at least one that anyone wrestling for the company has ever heard of. There's likely a corporate Panda (the parent company of TNA) policy, but it has never been enforced. There's said to be a lot of recreational drug use among the wrestlers, not to the level of the original ECW, but far more than in WWE. Furthermore, there have been internal discussions dating back to June within TNA to begin a real drug policy.
Rhino said that he slipped when throwing a chair that accidently went into the crowd at Sunday's PPV. Although, he did throw a drink at a fan during the match on purpose. Furthermore, they put a sign near the entrances that warns that you are entering the Impact Zone at your own risk.
TNA clamped down on all media interviews last week. The talent was not allowed to talk to any media at the shows unless Steven Godfrey or Ross Forman of public relations accompanied them.