Background Idea And Details On SAVEUS_222 Message
Source: PWInsider
The original idea to do a viral campaign like we are seeing with the SAVEUS_222 message dates back to creative member Court Bauer, who pitched a similar idea prior to his departure from the company earlier this year.
Bauer wanted to slip something in to programming that was obscure and didn't seem like it was backed by WWE, in hope it would get people talking. The idea would them progress with having free T-Shirts given out at events with no explanation.
The campaign would culminate at PPV with the introduction of the New Hart Foundation or Chris Jericho. (It may still be either, although Jericho is the favorite.)
A quick search on Youtube "save us 222" brings a host of interesting videos, some with the audio reversed (reveals Jericho's theme music) and others slowed down showing the secret messages.